†*†1. ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅ †*†

Start from the beginning

"What, you said she is here from last 6 months and you guys don't know her name", she asked playfully

"Not only me but none knew about her family, name, background anything. Dr. Raj tried everything to find her family but he never succeed finding any details about her. She is so beautiful but at the same time so unlucky", she said sympathising with her.


"Sister how's she, is there any improvement?", Dr. Raj asked to nurse checking the patient who is in his hospital from Last 6 months on the same bed without doing anything.

"NO sir , she is not responding to any medicine, any injection. I don't think she is going to come out from this coma ever", nurse told him and he looked at her with an unknown emotions in his eyes.

"Dr. Is any one contact you from her family or friends", she asked.

"No"he said to her and adjusted her oxygen mask.

"Such an unlucky person.first met with accident and after 6 months no one comes to meet her", she said more to herself.

"Tomorrow is 15 date. I will again going to advertising about her being here, so that anyone can come from her family or friends", he said looking at her.

"Doctor this is of no use. You are advertising about her from last 5 months. Is anything happens, nothing. I don't think she has anyone in this world left", she was saying when they heard a beep sound from all the machine which is attached to her body.

They both looked at each other and immediately went to her.

"For a second I thought she is moving", pooja said being disappointed.

"You are not wrong, her heart is beating very fast, look, her heartbeat has increased.It seems that she has reacted after hearing something, otherwise she has not shown any improvement since last 6 months.", Dr Raj concluded after checking her heartbeat.

"Sir we were talking about family. I think______", she trailed off.

"Family is a sensitive topic for her. She is reacting on this topic", Dr Raj said and walked away.


In a room a man is sipping his coffee while looking at something on wall.

Suddenly his phone rings, he picked it up and shouted angrily.

"You are a loser, it's been 6 months and still the same answer. You are just running a company with bunch of losers who actually don't know how to work, i am firing you from this job", he said and hit the phone on wall.

He broke every thing of that room except than that picture.

He hold that picture in his hand and sat on floor. His hand is injured and blood is running from his palm but he is feeling no pain.

He is just looking at that picture with pain, guilt, love and lot more expression on his face.

"I know I always taken you for granted but I never knew you are going to leave me like this. Please come back to me. We are waiting for you from last 6 months my baby, please come back to us. I always thought you as a burden on me but I really love you so much my bub. Please don't punish me like this my daughter. My one mistake ruined your life. I just wanted your life to be peaceful but I never knew I am sending you in garden of thrones. Please forgive me bacche(daughter)", he said to pictures of her daughter but she is not here to listen him.

There was a time when she was requesting him to listen her once but he denied thinking that she is irrelevant but he never knew that his ignorance towards her daughter going to cost him so much.

Isn't it strange when people are with us, we never noticed them but when they leave us, we started to realizing their worth in our life. Without losing,we didn't get that what we actually had lost.

Suddenly someone opened the door and was shocked to see the condition of the room and person who is sitting on floor. Her heart pained seeing him like this. The most powerful person of Rajasthan is looking like a loser and a heartbroken right now. She wants to console him but something stopped her to doing this and she harshly wiped tears from her eyes .

"Now this is waste of time to crying on this because when she was here,you always thought that she is stupid,she is childish, stubborn and just to fulfill her wish ,she is making excuses. You never tried to recognise her pleads. You ignore her everytime and because of your stubbornness I lost my precious daughter. I am never to forgive you Abhijit", she said to him and turned to leave when he hold her hand .

"Please Isha, please don't punish me like this. Atleast you understand my pain. We both has lost our daughter.", He said to her and she broke down in his arms.

"You are responsible for all this. You snatched my daughter from me Abhi. I will never gonna forgive you", she was saying when she stated taking long breath to calm down herself but lost her

So finally here is the first chapter.

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