(006) vampire empire

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"it would be cruel not to!"

ella wanted to go back home and visit her dad. i mean, his sister just died.

"he's cruel! he deserves this!" elena tried to reason.

"just because he's cruel doesn't mean we should be cruel." ella said, "karma, el, karma."

"karma bit him in his ass! his sister is dead for gods sake!" alex huffed.

"he's probably happy about it, sick fuck." el scoffed.

"don't talk about him that way." ella warned. yeah her dad was a huge pain in her ass, but he was way kinder than her mother.

"yeah yeah whatever." el rolled her eyes.

"fine!" ella stood up. "enzo you stay here with these shitheads and i'll go."

"you sure?" he asked.



with a huge sigh, ella walked in her house.

"papa?" she called out.

no response.


no response again.

"what the fuck.." there was a note on the fridge.

'thanks for breakfast. your mom and i are going to italy for your aunts funeral. we may come back a bit late. stay at the sturniolo's. don't embarrass me.'

"how late?" she muttered, pulling out her phone to call him.

"hello?" her dads voice boomed.

"hi." she cleared her throat.

"who is this?"

wow. she didn't know what hurt more; her dad not having her number saved, or him not recognizing his own daughters voice.

"it's me, papa, estella." she sighed, "just wondered how long you're gonna be gone for?"

"when are you turning 18?" he asked.


"around november." he said, "listen, your mother and i realized that we haven't been the best parents, and that you really stepped up. you guys don't need us anymore. it took your mamma some convincing, but we're planning on giving you custody of all 3 of your siblings."


just like that, ella legally will have 3 children.

"all we do is make your life hell, and your presence makes us miserable." he said honestly.

"jeez, thanks!"

"we'll send you some money every month, give you the house, and me and your mom will stay in italy."


"i guess so."

ella was smiling so hard, she felt like her face was gonna rip.

"i think this has been the best decision you have ever made." her dad could hear the excitement in her voice.

"didn't think you'd be this happy about it.."

"i'm over the moon." she said brutally. "anyways, sorry for your loss, thank you for disowning us, bye!"

god, this was crazy.

she locked the door and skipped to the sturniolo's. she skipped.

"I LOVE MY LIFE." she screamed jumping up and down.

"what the fuck happened?" chris asked.

her siblings, audrey, and the triplets were all crowded around her.

"basically, i went home and mamma and papa weren't there, but there was a note. it said that they were in italy for aunt margaret's funeral. i called him asking when he's gonna be back, he said around november and he's only coming to give me full custody of these fucknuts! he's giving me the house and gonna give me money every month! best part, him and mom are gonna be in italy the whole time."

"they're not coming back?" elena's eyes sparkled.

"no." she shook her head.


her siblings hugged her so tightly, she felt like she was going to explode.

the triplets all hugged and congratulated her.

audrey gave her a tight hug, and whispered in her ear, "i'm so proud of you and the person you've become."

she pulled away and ella held her hand, smiling. she loved having her best friend back.

"we should throw a party!" nick suggested.

"MY HOUSE!" ella said.


audrey got a call from her parents saying it was late and she had to get home. so, with much reluctance, audrey left.

ella was laying on chris's bed when he walked in.

"what are you doing here?" she asked him.

"in my room?"

"oh. forgot." she shrugged.

chris chuckled at her and sat next to her on the bed. "you okay?"

"why wouldn't i be?" she asked, putting her phone down.

"because... this was all so sudden. you've been waiting your entire life for your parents to be gone and now they are. they didn't even fight for you guys. doesn't that upset you? besides, in a few months, you'll be legally responsible for 3 people."

"sounds like you're more worried about this than i am." she said. "but, seriously, don't worry about it. i've been raising them all on my own for so long, them permanently leaving won't have any negative affects on me at all."

"that's good." he nodded. "you sleeping over tonight?"

"yup." she nodded, "i'm gonna have to get up early to get the house ready for the party."

chris loved parties, but he had a bad feeling about this one.

he shook it off, concluding that it was just him overreacting.

she put her head on his shoulder, and he accepted it silently.


cute little filler 🙈🙈

how r u guys feeling abt the party ?? 🎤


𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now