(015) golden

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she finally graduated high school, and she told her friends about the taylor swift thing. she wants to tell them as late as possible so she wouldn't have to hear them talk about it 24/7.

they were in disbelief when chris told them he knew about it first, but stella told them he happened to be with them. she also just told them that her and chris have been dating.

"i can't believe you've been hiding this from us for the past 5 months!" audrey gasped.


for two weeks straight, stella opened for taylor swift. she would've loved to open for more shows,  but the rest were all international, and alex was doing summer school. he had been staying over at the sturniolo's with jimmy and marylou. leaving the state was one thing, but leaving the country was a whole different thing.

she had invited the triplets, audrey, enzo, and elena. even though matt and chris weren't big fans of taylor, they wouldn't miss seeing their best friend up on stage.

she opened with i miss you i'm sorry per usual, then out of nowhere, taylor called for her back.

"today is my baby's last day preforming with me." taylor frowned, earning an 'awe' from the crowd. one girl literally shouted 'don't leave us, stella!' earning a bunch of 'yeah!'s.

"she will be missed dearly, and for that reason, she'll be performing any song she wants with me." taylor rubbed her back, "you wanna say anything, ella?"

"holy fucking shit." she said into the mic, earning an uproar of laughter from the crowd.

"i honestly never thought me writing sad songs in my room about my shitty ex boyfriend would lead me all the way over here. in a stadium, with taylor swift!" she looked over at her idol. "i'm just some normal girl from boston. i'm just like all of you guys, look where i made it! if i'm up here singing with taylor, you can do fucking anything."

she looked over at her siblings, and saw enzo and elena rubbing their eyes, physically pushing the tears back in.

"what's your song, ella?" taylor asked.

"daylight." she said surely, watching how chris blushed.


taylor whispered to stella that she could sing this part of the song. how she knew how significant that part was to her, she'll never know.

her eyes were on chris the entire time singing the song, she was literally in a stadium full of people, but she was singing to chris. not to them, to chris.

"i once believed love would be black and white!"

𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 !



hope you guys enjoyed reading this book as much as i did writing it

sorry some chapters were rushed and sloppy, i'm trying my best!

i'm gonna miss chris and stella </3
but mostly user9 she was an ICON


𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, chris sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now