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Ranboo POV::

"Can I come in?" Ranboo said, behind the door worried for Tommy, while everyone else was fuming at Tommy ranboo was the only one that actually seemed to have some form of pity for Tommy. He was the only one that, to Tommy, actually cared.

"Fine." Tommy mumbled through his teeth scared to talk loudly due to his scratchy voice. Ranboo slowly opened the door making the rusted door hinges make a small creak. Ranboo walked in and saw Tommy at the corner of his bed hugging his knees, it was far too obvious that he had been crying.

Ranboo slowly went to him and sat on the edge of the bed "Tom.. what.. what happened.? Why did you just.. disappear..?" ranboo looked at Tommy but Tommy looked away. "I.. panicked. Left.. and then ended up in the hospital." He mumbled again.. ranboo looked at how many bandaids he had, he noticed that Tommy had two pill bottles on his nightstand, ranboo didn't question it.

Ranboo stopped talking and just crawled to Tommy and locked him into a tight hug. They stayed like that until both of them fell asleep.

Wilbur POV::
"I just don't get it!!! Im being reasonable am I not,,?? Tubbo fucking tell me. He's been gone for a fucking week and suddenly he comes back with James??? Bull shit!! He doesn't deserve that pity." Wilbur banged a desk, tubbo flinched "will.. maybe lay off a bit. I get it, we are all mad at him but.. give him some pity at least..?" Tubbo said to Wilbur but instead Wilbur grabbed his pack of cigarettes and a lighter and stormed out to the beach.
"Stupid!!" He kicked around the pebbles of hover , he sat down as he smoked looking at the waves of the water crash against eachother. Truth was he was just so worried for Tommy, he was really overprotective and got like this when something happened.. but sometimes his anger took him over fully,, he finished his smoke and then went back, he needed to apologize to Tommy he felt so guilty..
Knock.. knock.. knock.
Wilbur knocked the door of Tommys bedroom and waited.. soon enough ranboo opened the door "will? What are you doing here?" Ranboo was confused and it was easily told by his face
"I wanna talk with Tom and apologize.." Wilbur mumbled with his head down, Tommy came to the door "ran? Why did you le- Wilbur.. leave." Tommy immediately went bitter it was plan obvious that Wilbur had fucked it up.. "Tommy I wanna talk, please.. one chance."

"Not happening, now fucking leave. Will leave I don't want to see you." Tommy was getting aggressive.. ranboo mouthed "sorry" and shut the door. Wilbur stood there as tears stung his eyes.. his chest ached hearing Tommys words. he didn't let his tears fall.. instead he turned heel and ran off to his room, the attic. He had choose it since it was the room that muffled noise. He picked up his guitar, just like Tommy, playing guitar was the only thing that really helped.

He sang out as loud as he could. Tears everywhere as he sang and sang. His heart swelled for Tommy.. he needed to fix what he had broken.. but how?
Tommy POV::

Night came around and phill, techno, and will all went out, they were hero's.. Tommy got himself ready and also went out, he wasn't a hero nor villain but his family saw him as a villain, or, well they saw Apollo as a villain, apollo was Tommys fake name, it didn't help him in the slightest bit..

He saw a small store being robbed and he ran in to help "hey, that's not yours yk?" Tommy teased as the guy panicked seeing him.. Tommy gave him a hard kick to the head making the guy fall. The guy took his mask off and handed him the money.. what the-? "Stop right there" Tommy heard sirens voice and froze.. fuck.. Tommy put in ear plugs and put the money back on the counter as he jumped out a window

His heart raced hearing his family chase after him.. he panted and panted running and running. His chest hurting.. his head pounding as he ran. He jumped around building.. soon enough he was cornered. Quickly he texted tubbo his location and told him to catch him. Tommy had to just pray that tubbo wasn't still mad at him.

Tom was on top of a 5 story building.. he saw that Wilbur, techno and phill had arrived, but so had tubbo,  in his suit. Tommys heart raced but he smiled knowing he wouldn't be caught yet. "See you hero's later!" Tommy smiled. Tommy jumped. "FUCK." He could hear from phill as he fell down down until he landed into tubbo, also known as nuke's arms. "Hiya nuke"

Tommy giggled "Tom istg be more careful!! They could've killed you!!" Tubbo complained to him as he flew them both home, tubbo didn't have powers, what he did have was engineering knowledge, that made it easy for him to help him, Tommy, and ranboo all make their suits.

Soon enough Tommy and tubbo got to Tommy's room and they hid everything. Luckily Tommy didn't get hurt so he just cleaned up and acted like nothing happened.
Wilbur had slammed the door in a fit of anger. Tommy went downstairs and peeked around the corner, usually, Tommy would run to Wilbur and hug him and help him ease up.. but his hate to will was still vibrantly alive and there. So instead he just watched them.. he could see how Wilbur sorta waited to see Tommy run down and hug him..

It broke Tommy. His heart felt heavy, he felt tears fall down his pale skin.. he just stared as Wilbur stood there looking at the stair.. until finally Wilbur just turned back to phill and techno to help them with some cuts..

Tommy wanted to hug him so badly.. but his anger held him back like a teacher holding back two students from fighting..
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