add a splash of milk.

Start from the beginning

"Wow, calm down, it's all good." Peter grabs you gently by the shoulders. "It's just, I was a little wary, sorry." Following her dad's footsteps Mayday also puts her little hands on your cheeks. It works like a charm and you calm down. "When did he tell you? This is fresh intel, came in around 7 AM."

"He came by this morning, actually." You leave their grasp and continue your work, finally filling up the group handle with coffee grounds. "We had a nice chat and I even made him try out a new type of coffee." You smile to yourself at the memory.

"Are you sure we're talking about the same guy?" Chimes in Peter." Tall, brooding 24/7, the one with anger issues." You roll your eyes at his description.

"You're exaggerating. He was honestly quite polite. I think he just has a lot of pent-up frustration from being the leader of this whole operation." You put the group handle in and start the machine. "I thought he was scary at first too."

"At first- I know him much longer than you, no offense by the way, and I still think he's pretty scary." Peter huffs, setting his hands on his hips. "It's interesting to hear that he can still be civil. I was beginning to think his face is actually stuck in a scowl." The two of you share a laugh.

"Yea right, he actually has quite a nice smile." You sigh dreamily, obvious to the smug expression spreading across Peter's face.

"Mhmm, he sure does." He simply says, and after a second, looks down at his daughter. "What do you think Mayday? Does Uncle Miguel have a nice smile?" The baby blows a raspberry at him. "My thoughts exactly."

You give the two of them some space as you go ahead and froth some fresh milk. After a moment, you pour half of it into a paper cup. This one's for Mayday. The machine dings and you pour the remaining milk into a second cup - the one containing the freshly brewed espresso.

"Here you go." You give them their respective cups. "Watch out baby, it's still a little hot." You add, blowing off some steam from Mayday's cup.

"Thank you! Mayday, can you say thank you?" Tries Peter, but the girl just gnaws at her fist. "Welp, can't say I didn't try. See you soon, and oh, tell Miguel said hi." He finishes with a wink. You raise your eyebrow at him, but the just turns around. The two of them leave the cafeteria.

You don't have the time to overthink his words as two new customers come up to your stall. Back to the work it is.

- - -

The rest of the day went by smoothly. By the end of it, you are pretty beat up, and at 8 PM sharp, open up a portal to your home dimension. You jump though, landing just where you wanted to be - your bed.

"Finally, some alone time." You sigh, stretching your body across the mattress.

You reach into your pocket, fishing up your phone. You go to your calendar, checking the schedule for the remainder of the week. Your smartphone is the only source of light in the dark room, so you lower its brightness not to go blind.

It appears that you'll spend the next two days at home - you promised Mrs. Chen that you'll take two full shifts in a row. You kind of regret that decision but, what can you do? You don't get paid for your side gig at the HQ, you need at least some money to get by.

You put down your phone and head to the bathroom. After washing your teeth and a quick shower, you enter your room again, this time in your favorite t-shirt and shorts. You plop down on your bed and release a long sigh.

You set your alarm for 6 AM and get under the covers. You have a long day tomorrow.

- - -

You're almost done with your second shift when it happens.

𝑪𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 [✔] {Miguel O'Hara x Gender-Neutral!Reader} Where stories live. Discover now