Fanfic ideas and Thoughts 2

Start from the beginning

- [ ] What if the locker room video was exposed to (at bare minimum) the school? And Kei was evil/had the stones to let it happen in tandem with Kiyo for whatever his reasons would be.
    - [ ] Play with all that was you may.

- [ ] THE CURRENT/FUTURE Mrs. Steal yo guy Ichinose - she time travels or reincarnates to the beginning of COTE as either herself or someone else, and ... gets ahead of the "competition(s)" and "competitors". Heck, make her find out about the WR from Tsukishiro or something too somehow.

- [ ] Peak fics: one shots (or full stories) of characters at their peaks (besides kiyotaka). Got this thinking from The Eroge's Airi. I'm like, "Dang, she's final! Could she always be this good?" DUH, anyone can. Canon Airi was debatably unrealistic, especially when the OAA came in. You, and EVERYONE can actually see you are at the bottom. Before that, the Yamauchi expulsion should have motivated her to some extent too. Also, her power to see people's (no Kiyo) true nature for whatever, aka, her SharinGONE (that's the author's unofficial name for her ability). Point is, in whatever way, like Kiyo tutoring them like in the Eroge or Unexpected Tool, or maybe you even change their backstory reactions like Hirata, make a character(s) be at the reasonable peak of their abilities. Maybe baking them in the WR would be a tasty idea.

- [ ] Kiyo x assassin's creed 

- [ ] Kiyo x Esdeath (if in cote, make her have Kouenji strength and different level of Ryuuen brains. If her world... 

- [ ] Frieren's Ubel. Nuff said

Random thoughts
- [ ] The Koji affect: Readers of COTE can no longer read anything without thinking WWKD: "What Would Kiyo Do". Or is it just me?

- [ ] GoldenBeryl - By the name, I didn't think this was some COTEXONK fic. In Vegeta's voice, I'm like "The fuck's a GoldenBeryl?" I'm glad I sample many things, because this turned out to be a masterpiece. In my top 5 FOR SURE! This and COTE x Jobless are on that level hands down! When the true turning point happened... that moment that name hit the brain.... it hit so hard, I thought I was there. I could genuinely feel the world shattering. It's one of my top fic moments

- [ ] What keeps me invested in cote canon- "Sugary Diabetes laced in ghost pepper chilis and a hint of cyanide". 

- [ ] What keeps me invested in cote fanfics - "YES," says Albert.

- [ ] Who needs to graduate from class A the most? Sudo? (Hopefully he'll be the next Rui Hatchimura or something, cause I doubt he'll be Linsanity. What is Sudo, 6'4"?).

- [ ] End of year 3 possible events: WR shut down, stragglers May occasionally try to get kiyo and rebirth the WR, kiyo gets supported by Chairman Saka, kiyo is around a friend or two with a mindset of who knows curiosity... college crazy a Arisu or Kei... will kiyo be mentioned in the WR shut down... will father be mentioned... they'll try to cover as much as humanly possible, but smart people could put it together.

- [ ] Bet matsuo looks like the coffee shop owner of Tokyo Ghoul

- [ ] Latin in titles and other stuff 

- [ ] You ever think that for the reader, it may be better for the great authors to write shorter but frequent chapters while vice versa for the not as great authors (like me)? The Logic? for the great authors, practically anything they make makes the readers day. For other authors, writing long chapters may increase the chance to find some bits of good readers could cling to... yeah, this theory is sounding worse by the minute. For me personally, there's 2 sides

- [ ] Making pics for these fics is wayyy more fun than I would've thought. I am not an artist or that creative tbh

- [ ] Character with the most wasted potential right now? Arisu? Yagami? Airi? (I made this comment like a book or 2 ago. Arisu is kicking up thank goodness).

- [ ] Btw, I would say Airi. She could sense people's nature! That's hella important in this environment. Should have been used WAY more. Yagami has the excuse of being severely undertrained and emotionally unfit.

- [ ] What do real therapists have to say about white room tourture, Kiyotaka's mental state, and recovery for him/anyone. Wonder if someone has made an accurate fic on some of those concepts.

- [ ] Could we take Arisu's intro in the spin off manga as canon? It's honestly pretty funny, and I'd love to see her put in work with that blade.

- [ ] The ryuuen style Hirata. What if either he either began anhs like that, or brokedown into that from the Yamadead expulsion?

- [ ] If Kiyo didn't exist, what would happen in the story? Who places where in the class competition?

- [ ] Main themes of COTE:
- [ ] Class political structure-Arisu- conservative dictatorship; Honomi-faux democracy/accidental dictatorship; Ryuuen- aggressive dictatorship; Suzune-moderate Democracy. Feel free to disagree. There's so much nuance and I'm no political buff at all. But this is a topic that got a friend interested in the series.

- [ ] You think Kinugasa has read a COTE fanfic? If so, which one?

- [ ] Which fanfic(s) has Kinugasa read? (wrong answers only)

- [ ] Imagine continuing Integrating into Adventures Society (cote x danmachi). We'll mess around and have him fighting in that arena... oh who am I kidding, he'll probably blank state everyone's levels to 1 or something... or sweet talk Freya into avoiding it 😏

- [ ] Anhs hiring process... Chie, Sae, Sakura Stalker... Sakagami feels like he's at the line of too much, while those above pass it

- [ ] Put the song "Tears" by Health as the background music of a fitting fic (it's from Max Payne 3). For someone tragic like Kiyo, it can definitely work.

- [ ] Naruto styles named after COTE characters. Example: Yousuke Style: Simp Maker! Suzune Style, Compass Blossom!

does anyone know where I can find the Cold as Ice fic?

- [ ] Thinking kiyo x Usagi from Mayo Chiki - Usagi tried to jump off a building because she was left alone at home and didn't feel cared for by family. No real friends either, until the mc grabbed her hand before she could continue falling
    - [ ] I really dislike how the series brushed off that situation, as if she was instantly full healed and added to the back of the harem as comedic relief
    - [ ] Regardless, she's like a different flavor of Kei when it comes to will and guts. She can also kick if I'm not mistaken. Could have potential

- [ ] that three days happiness ff by IDC_saif was pretty nice, even tho THAT WAS NOT KIYOTAKA. That hurt to read for awhile, but I'm very glad I stuck with it. Author-kun nailed that version of Suzune though. Chiaki too, effectively. I won't mention anyone else, but it brought some interesting diversity in fandom imo.

Oh! Shoutout to Monster's Academy by Nuach!!! That fic is amazing to me! The supernatural is used extremely well in the relationship building, and just how significant every character can be. Just think about this: Honami is one of the strongest people, and is connected to Kiyotaka. That's all I'll say about that.

Please read this fic. The author makes a lot of original, BEAUTIFUL drawings too. The effort is insane!

I hope y'all enjoy and can use any of this!!! Again, please comment with your thoughts and ideas!

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