[0] Epilogue

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They had watched the universes rise and fall as their first creation took the role of making new worlds.

It had started with a single universe, Undertale.

They had not created that universe though, instead it was the little white dog who was responsible for it.

It was annoying as it was in the name, if they dared go near Undertale it would start barking at them in an oddly cute way with how its mouth was naturally upturned like a smile.

So they created a world of their own, just as a few others had, so their creation was one of the first.

Their creation was a skeleton, they were going to make a whole universe to home the creation but never finished and decided to leave it as it was, a living skeleton in the middle of it left abandoned in despair at being the only one to have a true SOUL as the other inhabitants were the equivalent of un-interactive NPCs.

They watched the small universes flourish with life.

In the early stages of the multiverse, Over time, a few more Deitys apart from them and their sibling DESTINY formed from events in the universes, such as FEELINGS who later on became a tree due to being attacked and having two children that were lesser gods, being guardians of their respective emotion more so than being gods. All of the deities had formed from excess magic particles of a certain concept that was created from the multiverse, each in pairs like that of yin and yang, which was a concept they soon made for the entities of the universe seeing that most things were forming to have a good and bad side to things.

Then their first creation had left the unfinished alternate universe he came from by destroying his own soul, only for him to end up in a blank void more lonely than before but now with no emotions to feel. They decided to give their creation an exit to the void, their creation had found the giant paintbrush that they had gifted to them anonymously, so they pondered, whether should they give him some sort of emotion as he would be boring if he was simply void of emotion.

They then remodelled their creation's old Alternate Universe calling it the Doodlesphere with a golden yellow backdrop and a very few islands each with a door and script. Their creation ventured into the very limited amount of worlds created, they gave him a sash filled with a few coloured vials each presenting a different form of emotion, he first tried a small drop of the yellow vial, not thinking about how it could be bad for him despite being a skeleton.

He was able to get the emotions that were from negativity and positivity composed of all forms of hope, anger, sadness and happiness.

Now delighted, the creation pulled out his brush and hopped from universe to universe, by the end of it he had drunk all of the vials, like an idiot.

This made them slightly irritated, though they still had patience left.

So they created small empty islands to fit the universes it had yet to hold, every island would soon have a distinctive colour of paint dripping from the suspended chunks and blank script papers yet to be written that were connected to strings hung down above every island, attached to the seemingly everlasting ceiling of what was now called the Doodlesphere, the old unfinished blank world now filled and ready for colour against a backdrop of golden yellow.

He had explored around for a bit, awed by what surrounded him, before leaving back to the Doodlesphere to find more.

The creation then gave himself a name, Ink. Also called Ink 'Sans' when hopping around he found that he was a variant of the original, which made him a bit curious about what the original looked like, so he went.

To Ink the universe of Undertale was marvellous, downing the yellow vial of positivity as he explored the many places, finding and dedicating himself to learning everything about the universe. Ink looked and found the Timelines, RESETS, SAVES, and even the personalities of nearly every monster in the underground. Ink had spent a long time in Undertale keeping hidden until one day he made a mistake. Ink had been seen, not by the monsters, not by the ghosts, not even by the player, but by Toby Fox himself.

After being seen by the little white dog, Ink was thrown out from the universe of Undertale by an unseen force of coding that Toby most likely sent out as a barrier was put against the outside of the universe enclosing Undertale making a barrier to outsiders. Ink had then tried to get back into the universe, but his attempts were futile as Toby Fox seemed to not want anyone to mess up his creation, most likely due to the fact that it could collapse if anything that didn't belong happened to appear.

Naturally, Ink drank some of the blue vial to show his disappointment at not being able to enter again, though soon he got over it but remained obsessed with the Original Universe.

It was then by accident that Ink had made his first universe.

Using his brush he was slightly drunk on the positive vials of yellow substance, standing on an empty island in the Doodlesphere he slammed the bristles on one of the blank script papers above the island he stood on in a swipe, due to the amount of positivity he had drunk the island came to life as a door was created, it was a door as the whole island was themed just like Undertale, this excited him until he realised that the markings where swapped. A surge of creativity overwhelmed him, taking this new power to make more and more universes finding that each would give him a new emotion making him desire more and more universes to the point of selfishness.

FATE realised that they had accidentally put too much magic into their creation causing him to be powerful enough to create different Timelines and Alternate Universes from what he had seen in Undertale, so they graced him with a title that was whispered by the wind to him,

'Ink, The God of Creation'.

Soon there were too many, and the multiverse nearly collapsed during those times if not for one thing. A timeline that had branched off Undertale on accident when Ink had visited, for a while it remained unnoticed as all it became was just a SAVE screen for many centuries having happened on its own.

However, when there were too many worlds that had begun to get too close to each other in a few close collisions, FATE had to ACT.

FATE found the lone Sans trapped within the SAVE screen with a red slash on their chest and tied their strings to his soul which combined the determination he had that then sent him into the Anti-Void.

Despite it only being the opposite shade of the place he was in before, the Sans began to go insane from loneliness at the emptiness as his appearance changed, black bones with red to yellow tips for his phalanges. He began to cry for a while until the tears became blue and scarred his cheeks in long marks, eyelights and sockets glitching before his whole body began to glitch. The extended time of centuries trapped in the anti-void left him with a slight fear of contact from being deprived of it for so long, it was only then that he found his new abilities in a fit of rage, accidentally casting his rounded phalanges across his cheeks before strings connected to the tips, in a crazed delight the glitched Sans tried to figure out what else he could do, his bone attacks and 'Error Blasters' as he had dubbed them had changed colours, before testing his shortcuts.

That was the moment a large maniac grin took over the abandoned Sans face, in front of them was a white glitching portal that led to a snowy forest on the other side, and a surge of power flooded through his SOUL with an itch to destroy that came from a harsh tug of the strings caging the Genocide Sans soul.

He knew that he needed to make a name for himself having forgotten about his past from how long it had been, looking down at their glitching body a name was whispered to him by the wind,

'Error, God of Destruction'.

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