Hope & Confused

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V was walking away from the train station, when he felt someone tugged his cardigan. He turned around but there's no one behind him.

He looked down and saw a little girl. Her height was around his knee. V crouched down and smiled. "May I help you little girl?"

She placed a small bouquet of flower on V's palm. It's a simple bouquet consist of a daisy and few wild flowers that V don't even knew their names.

"My brother said flowers can make someone happy. Will you be happy with these flowers?"

Brunnette can't help but to grin like an idiot over the little girl's words. "Sure. I'll be the happiest person in this world because I had received your flowers. Thank you."

She nodded and motioned V to come closer towards her. V leaned closer and she gave V a bear hug. Well, not so bear-like since V was bigger than her.

V was stunned. "Brother also said, hugs are like medicine. They sooth you down while you're sad. Bye~"

That little girl left just like that. The big boy was truly dumbfounded. Then, he realized how blind he was. Even a little girl knew how to convey her feelings better than him. A grown adult.

Although her brother said that to her. He snickered at his own mental note.

Well, he guessed that his environment and the society itself was not helping. But he don't feel like putting the blame on others.

It's his life afterall. He was the one that should be responsible for it. Not his mother, father or even his friends.

Heck, why I can't realize that earlier? Hah... guess, I am an idiot afterall.

So, V decided on that very spot, he wouldn't dwell on some stupid feelings again. Let the gone be gone. He wanted to start a new page. A refreshing one!

A wide smile tugged on his lips as he strode away. The small bouquet firmly held in his grasp.

V was about to pass a park near to his housing area. Then someone called, "What happened to our emotional bitch? He got all smiley?"

V turned around. "Ouch, JK. I never knew your words could stung me deep in the heart,"

He rolled his eyes dramatically before continue, "You need to stop hanging around with that big-mouth Hope."

JK just gave him a small shrug. "Well, from what I know, you are an emotional bitch," he smirks. "Plus, a very terrible actor too."

"You punk!" V flicked his forehead.

"Aouchh!! What was that for?"

"For being disrespecful towards your hyung," he sassily replied.

JK mocked him from behind. V saw that and was about to flick it once again but the younger one bolted first. V followed suit.

From afar, JK's shrieked could be heard. V was shouting like crazy. "JK, you insolent punk! Stop right there!"

JK paused for a moment, stuck his tounge out playfully before making a turn towards the park. He went straight towards the playground. Since he's a giant-little-boy, he snucked under the slide.

While waiting for V, he took time to regain his breathing back. It's been a long time already since he ran around like this. Besides, his butterflies won't settled down. He felt all nauseated, but in a good way.
Ughhh!! I'm confused! He inwardly groaned.

That little noise catched V's hearing. He went towards the slide and saw JK's green Converse poking under the slide.

"Got ya~" he creeps silently from behind. Both his hands were extended and aimed towards JK's shoulders.

Slowly... slowly...



JK jumped in shock and bumped his head on the lower side of the slide. V could heard the 'thud' sound. He hissed as JK went away from the slide.

The youngest held his head tightly. His face scrunched in pure pain. "Hahahaha!!! Oh my god!!!" V fished out his phone and held it near JK.

"Buddy, look here~"

JK cast him an annoyed face and 'click' sound echoed. He don't care. The only thing that matters the most right now was his precious head. It's throbbing like hell.

After having a good fit of laugh, V sat near JK. He wiped away the tears that rolled down while he's laughing. "Oh my god, you okay man??"

"Shut your ass up!" He snapped his head but regretted it immeadetly. The throbbing doubled over. He winced in pain.

V patted the throbbing area softly. "Ouh... poor our Kookie~" he made a kissy face.

JK pushed his face away. "I don't need your pity. You're the cause of this!" He pointed towards his head.

He was about to babble again but shut up by V's bear hug. The close contact make him flushed. V nuzzled closer towards his neck and rested his head on his shoulder.

Younger's mouth went dry. It was too close that he could literally smelled V's shampoo! "W-what are you doing?"

He parted away and gave JK his wide grin. JK got the butterflies again. "I send my mum to the train station today. I was about to go home when a lil girl came at me and gave me these," he held out the flowers he got earlier.

The stem was broken, from all the running. But it still looked beautiful. "That little girl said that flowers can make someone happy. And hugs are the best medicine for anyone who'se down."

He lifted his gaze from the flowers and gave JK his biggest smile. "That's why I hugged you just now. So that the pain would go away... and my Kookie won't feel pain anymore~"

JK was truly stunned. The fact V was calling him by his secret nickname had barely sunk in. Kookie was the only nickname that his mother would call him. V overheard that once while they were having a sleep pver at his house. V swore that he would not let the nickname slipped to the others.

Somewhat it felt special for JK. That was their secret! No one knew 'bout it. Just thinking about it gave JK a goosebump.

Plus, V trusted him the most. V with all his heart talked about how his ex dumped him. How much he had sacrificed for her. Basically, he's telling everything.

"Earth to Kookie~ you alright man? Sheez, I guess you hit your head too hard." V got up and dusted off dirt on his jeans.

He pulled the frozened JK. "Come man. Get up!"

"W-what? Where are we going?"

"Clinic. Guess your skull might crack or something."

I'm fine you fool. You're the one making me like this!

JK pulled away from V. "I don't think it's necessary. I- I'll just head home and put on some ice pack. Bye!"

He dashed away. Leaving V alone at the park. "Rascal, at least we can go gome together~" he shouted but chuckled afterwards.

Haih... I really trust him. He's like my own lil bro! I trust you, JK. Maybe he's my secret brother??

V can't help but to laugh on how stupid he sounded now. Then he remembered that he need to do some spring cleaning at his house. Groaning, he made his way back.

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