Chapter 2: When You Walk Out of the Doorway, It's Just the Place to Start

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"That, and Ten here looks like a K-pop star. You two are the LEAST inconspicuous among the three of us." The curly haired girl turned to point at Ten.

She's making very valid points, especially when Channing's editing framed both Gina and EJ to be dating but allegedly cheating on one another with different people (Gina with Ricky Bowen, and somehow EJ's got 'a harem of flings/lovers at camp' with his camp buddies like Val). So the public may believe whatever's shown onscreen is 'the Truth' and have their own perceptions.

Now, whether Gina and Ricky have decided to take a new leap into their relationship was something that neither of the friends wanted to find out.

"No regrets? Whatsoever?" EJ asked again after a few seconds.

"The only regret I had was not punching those suckers in the face when I had the chance." Cress responded with a wistful sigh.

"Plural?" Ten quirked his brow.

"Rakefire (Ricky) and Corbin Bleu. I'd punch Channing too if I could ever find him." Cress clenched a fist tightly to emphasize her point.

"Cress, you can't keep picking fights and punching people as your solution." Ten rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"I can and I will. I don't care if I burn, as long as I can keep my loved ones safe." Cress crooked her head in response.

"No worries, I'm sure Calix and Lisa are tearing Corbin a new one on your behalf." EJ half-heartedly jokes.

"They better make me one of their bridesmaids when they marry." Cress smirked.

"Want me to turn on the radio?" Ten reached to switch on the radio channels.

The first one to pop up was an oldies channel that's playing classic rock music.

Moments later, EJ started reminiscing, "You know, when I was a kid, Uncle Ben was actually the one who taught me how to play guitar."

Cress chewed her inner lip and bit back a cold remark about how distant Cash had always been as a parent.

"Really?" Cress raised her eyebrows, her interest piqued.

"Oh yeah! He talked my dad into letting me join guitar classes, even though he already signed me up for piano lessons." EJ added, feeling a twinge of bitterness at the mention of his father.

"Any stories to share about your childhood days?" Ten quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah, I wanna hear more about what you did before you met us." Cress leaned forward to listen.

"You'll just use them as blackmail info." EJ frowned.

"And you'd still tell us anyway." Cress flashed him a Cheshire grin.

"Only if you share me stories about your childhood in return." EJ replied, reluctantly agreeing with her terms and conditions.

"Done!" Cress cheered from the backseat.

"Ok, there was this one time when Jeonghan and I were in preschool and went to Sunday Schools at Church..." EJ started sharing stories about his childhood.

"Ooh it involves Jeonghan, you know this is when the story gets interesting." Cress grinned at the mention of their mutual friend and her (platonic) soulmate.

"So his parents were supposed to pick us up and drive us back to his house for a sleepover, but Jisoo had a terrible fever, so they had to take her to the clinic and were running late." EJ began his story.

"Please don't tell me what I think you both did..." Ten frowned, catching onto EJ's idea.

"When you're a kid, 5 minutes feels like an eternity!" EJ exclaimed, not taking his focus off the steering wheel, "So, Jeonghan and I put our 5-year-old brain cells together and decided to walk our way back home. He claims he's got a good memory and wanted to play GPS."

There is Something in the Summer Wind, A Moment to Begin AgainOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant