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Stars in my eyes are a reflection of you...
!! One shot !!

Ricky doesn't know what he's gotten himself into. He's managed to get the Kim Taerae, the boy he's had a crush on since months ago to fall asleep in his lap, under the stars, alone. Ricky played with his soft fluffy brown hair. He smiled softly looking down watching the older sleep. Ricky had many emotions going through him right now.

He'd just managed to confess, kiss, and now cuddle with his long term crush. How? It's a long ass story as Ricky would say. A story he would tell to so many people if he could.

This is how...

The members arrived at their first camping site. A place to do hard labour (part-time jobs) for others. The group had arrived at Gangwnodo, Hongcheon a while ago in a small village called Saldun village, the team were exhausted after lots and lots of hard work. From packing boxes, to delivering them, from walking around and finding the chief to packing socks and gloves. The team sat under the stars after dinner admiring them gently.

The staff had left early so it was just them. Half of them had gone to sleep but Ricky sat with Jiwoong, Gunwook, Matthew and Gyuvin.

"Wahh...the stars are so pretty tonight." Matthew said, his cute tone making the others giggle slightly.

"You don't normally see this in Seoul, the street lights make them disappear." Gunwook explained.

"This is such a nice area." Gyuvin stated, Ricky hummed in agreement. Then they heard the van door open and close slightly. The group's heads turned to see who it was. Ricky turned to see Taerae scrunching his face as the door made a semi-loud noise behind him.

"You're not asleep?" Gyuvin asked. Taerae shook his head, a bit of his hair standing up.

"Couldn't." he began. "Hanbin-Hyung and Hao-hyung are cuddling together and Yujin's sleeping peacefully." He explained, pulling up one of the camping chairs beside Ricky. Ricky chuckled and brushed down the hair sticking up to flatten his soft fluffy hair.

Taerae reached his hand to brush a finger through his hair and thanked Ricky. Gunwook looked to Gyuvin and giggled to one another.

"What's so funny?" Jiwoong asked them. Gyuvin shook his hand.

"Nothing, Gunwook told me something funny." Gyuvin answered back. The two stifling their laughter. Ricky looked just as confused as the others.

The group sat under the stars for a while, talking, laughing, yawning. Jiwoong and Matthew went to bed as Matthew fell asleep in his seat and Jiwoong was feeling just as sleepy. The four of them rest under the dark comforting night sky.

Ricky couldn't help but stare at Taerae, he always stared at him whenever he could. Taerae was just too beautiful, the way his dimples made his skin look smoother, the way his brown hair fell around his face, his smile that Ricky couldn't help but melt while looking at it. He would've kept staring if Gyuvin didn't interrupt.

"Well if the others are asleep we should probably get ready soon too." Gyuvin stated to Gunwook. Sending Ricky a knowing look as Ricky managed to pull his eyes away from Taerae.

"We have a big day tomorrow. We don't know what the staff are gonna do right?" Gunwook replied. Gyuvin and Gunwook stood up and said goodnight to the others. Gyuvin wiggling his eyebrows at Ricky. The van door shut behind them and Ricky and Taerae were left together.

Stars in my eyes are a reflection of you... / Rirae (Ricky X Taerae ZB1) \Where stories live. Discover now