Chapter 12: Escape

Start from the beginning

Jasper tried to take a step forward, but the metal heavily creaked underneath and tilted more. "I can't! This thing's not stable!" He shouted to the blonde, stuck in his position unless all three of them wanted to fall.

"Shit!" Jasper hears Leon curse as more the bridge starts to collapse. He ran over to where the two were and saw Leon struggling to lift the woman up with his uninjured hand.

Ada glanced between the two men, shaking her head. "Forget it!"

"Shut up—I've got you!" Leon argued with a shaky voice, pain present in his voice. Jasper desperately wanted to help him and Ada, but he knew he couldn't. All he could do was watch. Any movement would make them fall to their death.

"It's not worth it," Ada rebutted.

"Don't do this..." Leon muttered. He tried his hardest to hold onto the woman, but it was no use. Ada was only slipping further.

"Take care of yourselves," Ada said softly, as her hand slipped from Leon's hold.

"No!" Leon cried out, he watched as Ada fell until she faded into the abyss below then. Ada became absorbed with the darkness, and he could no longer see her.

Leon stayed there, mourning the loss, while Jasper stared into the abyss with disbelief, processing what had just happened. After everything she did, he didn't think that it would end this way. He actually thought that she would survive with them.

Jasper was quickly snapped out of his trance when he hears the metal creak from where Leon was at. "Leon! We have to go! Now!" He quickly demanded.

Leon pushed himself up, but the metal began to collapse as he did so. "Grab my hand!" Jasper outstretched his hand to him and he took it, he jumped as the metal slate from underneath him fell. Jasper pulled him up with intense strength, making him land beside him.

Leon stood up and looked over the railing, back into the abyss where Ada had fallen into. He was hoping that Ada somehow survived and was actually sitting on the large beams. But no, he never saw her.

"Leon, come on. We gotta get out of here, this place is coming down," Jasper urged Leon before he pulled him to the elevator.

The two of them reached the Level Four elevator and was somehow able to gain access through it, but they didn't have to time to question it. The doors slid closed behind them as they let entered and the elevator began to lower. As it descended, Jasper stared out of the glass lift and watched as the fire swirls around the spinning cogs.

Jasper looked over at Leon, who was still mourning in silence. He walked to him and gently placed his hand on his shoulder, making the blonde look up to him. He gave him a sympathetic look, and Leon lets out a sigh before hugging him tightly. "I'm sorry, Jasper."

"Leon, you have nothing to apologize for, OK?" Jasper said softly. "You did what you could, and it's not your fault."

"I just wish that it would've been different," Leon mumbled.

"I know," Jasper replied. "Me too."

The elevator reached their destination, making them pull away from the hug. Leon and Jasper stepped off and entered a room with numerous control panels and monitors. Passing by one of the monitors, Jasper saw that a screen was on. It was glitching, but had a figure on it. He pointed out, "Who is that?"

Leon walked over to where he was and saw the figure too. "I don't know..." he admitted. On another screen was a clear, more focused image of the person, or rather woman. Leon recognizes her clothes and called out to her. "Claire!"

"Leon? Jasper?" Claire's attention was brought to the screen. "You guys are down here too?!"

"Yeah," Leon nodded as he stared at the red warning sign on the screen. "But the whole place is coming down."

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