Do You Think You Know People?

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For those of you who can't wrap their brains around how bad bullying can be. Just read, and maybe you'll understand.

The boy you punched in the hall today, he committed suicide. Picture this:

A kid is having a awful time at home and school. He's walking on thin ice, and is in a fragile stage. You walk up to, ready to make fun of him. You punch him, and walk away laughing. He just fell through the ice. He gets home, and kills himself. There is no coming back.

That girl you called a s***, she's a virgin. Picture this:

A girl is scared of showing too much, because there are boys who will take advantage. She is very scared of exposing too much. In the begining of class, you walk up to her and call her a s***. She now is frightened of losing her virginity, something you wish you had.

The boy you called lame, he has to work ever night to support his family. Picture this:

A boy is super stressed. You come up to him and call him lame. Later that night he's going somewhere, working his butt off so his family can have money, and you're sitting at home playing on your iphone or ipod or ipad!

The girl you pushed down the other day, she's getting abused at home. Picture this:

A girl is walking down the echool hallway, and you push her. Then that night, she gets hit over and over again at home.

That girl you called fat, she's starving herself. Picture this:

A girl buys a pizza and a chips bag for lunch. You pass her and call her fat. At dinner that night, she only eats a spoonful of Mac 'N Cheese, while you pig out on Papa John's.

The old man you made fun of for having ugly scars, he fought for our country. Picture this:

You pass a old man. He's sitting on a bench, and he has ugly scars everwhere. You giggle and laugh at him for him for having those scars. He got those scars from fighting for your country. He still has nightmare's about that war.

The boy you made fun of for crying, his mother is dying. Picture this:

A boy is crying all day at school. You laugh at him, and pick on him for crying. Later that night, that boy is at the hospital visiting his dying Mom.

Do you still think you know people?

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