Chapter 1

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Ever's POV
*flash back*
'Mom I'll be fine stop worrying.' I remember telling her that my first day back at school won't be so bad. I never thought that I would die until at least 80. I think a food truck swerved to avoid hitting a deer and it rolled onto our car crushing it. I heard screams and sirens and apologies.
*Flash back over*
I shivered in my bed. I had gotten out of the hospital a week ago and now I'm in an orphanage waiting for my dad to come pick me up.
"Hey kiddo what's up?" I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head slowly and looked up at a man.
"Hey dad." I croaked after getting out of bed and hugging him tightly. He didn't say another word, he silently cried in my arms.
"It's going to be ok dad I promise." I whispered into his shoulder trying not to cry for his sake.
"Ok. We have to go back to my place." he said after crying a while.
"Where are you living nOw?" My voice cracked at the last word.
"I live in the UK now." He took my hand and led me to his car. The car ride was boring. No music, no talking, and no crying. We arrived at the airport about 15 minutes before our plane departed.
"Sh... uh hem! I mean shoot we're late for our flight!!" He covered up his cussing with a Sudo cuss word.
(A/N a Sudo cuss word is a fake cuss word for those of you who don't know what it is.)
The plane was the same as the car. I had to plug in my new Beats so I didn't throw up. I get car sick a lot so a plane is worse for me.
"Hey you ok?" Someone from in front of me asked when I slammed my hand on his seat.
"Yeah I'm fine I just don't like planes." I answered quickly. I didn't realize that he seemed really worried about me and I don't even know why.

Simon's POV
I felt for this girl. I don't even know her and I already feel like I've known her for ever.
"So what's your name." I was curious and I needed to know what her name is.
"Ever, what's yours?" I got her full attention. I didn't answer for some time. I stared into her blue-green eyes scanning for some hint of emotion.
"Hello I asked for your name?" She snapped her fingers in my face.
"Uh.. I'm Simon Minter!" I said a little to loud. Fuck nice going Simon! I probably scared her.
I was surprised to find that she wasn't scared at all. She still stared at me with an intense gaze.
"THE Simon Minter, as in Miniminter the Youtuber." She sounded surprised. Like she's never seen me before yet she knows who I am.
"Yep the one and only." I said in a harsh tone. I cringed afterward hoping I didn't come off as rude.
"Oh I've heard so much about you from my friend. I haven't watched one of your videos though." She ignores my hostility.
"Sorry if I came out as rude." I quickly apologized. I blushed and looked down not wanting to meet her eyes ashamed that I sounded rude to someone I just met.
"It's ok I'm used to it." she shrugged and checked her phone.
"So why are you heading for England?" She asked not looking at from her phone.
"I live there with the rest of my friends, The Sidemen."
"Oh yea. I'm sorry I forgot that you live here." she apologized blushing and looking at a man next to her. He was sleeping.
"Is that your brother?" I was hoping it wasn't her boyfriend. I pleaded that it was her brother.
"No this so my dad, he lives here. I'm coming to live with him because my mom..." she choked when she said mom.
"Are you ok? What's wrong?" I worried about her. Her beautiful eyes started tearing up.
"Oh I-it's n-nothing." She avoided telling me what was wrong.
"Sir can you please turn around we're about to land." one of the flight attendants addressed me. I turned around, but not before given Ever a worried glance.

Ever's POV
I regret not telling Simon about what happened but it's just to painful. He had to stop talking to me because we were landing. I felt like I could tell him anything.
"Hey Simon. Text me we need to talk." I said urgently. I scrawled my number down on a piece of paper and handed it to him. He immediately put my number in his phone.
"I'll text you later, I promise." He walked off the plane before I could say another word.
"Bye." I said to his empty seat.
Hey guys hope you enjoy the first chapter of me new book! BAI!!

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