The Story of Leto

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Just a quick note, (Y/N) goes by they/them pronouns because this story is meant to work for any gender identity. Male, femalfor, non-binary(like me), agender and everything else(sorry I can't think of anymore)!

"School is hopeless!" (Y/N) cried, flinging their school bag across the floor and flopping onto the couch next to their adoptive dad, Technoblade. "Why is school hopeless?" Techno asked in his usual monotone voice, putting his book down.

"Because it just is! There's no point in trying if I'm going to fail everything! It also doesn't help since I'm adopted! People turn their noses up at the mere sight of me!" (Y/N) groaned, curling up into a little ball to conceal their tears.

Techno sighed and lifted (Y/N)'s head up ever so slightly. "(Y/N), look at me. School isn't hopeless, nothing is hopeless."

"How do you know? Something has to be useless!" (Y/N) protested, sitting up and crossing their arms. Techno laughed slightly, "Nah, nothings hopeless. I mean when you think about it nothing is."

Techno turned his body so that he could face his adopted (son/daughter/kid).

"Ya know kid, this situation is reminding me of a certain story." Techno said, pushing his reading glasses up more.

"What story?" (Y/N) couldn't help but ask, even if they were mad they weren't just going to ignore their dad.

"The story of Leto." Techno replied, handing (Y/N) his book.

(Y/N) flipped through a couple of pages and nothing stood out to them. "That story seems boring."

"Trust me, it isn't. Kid, just listen to it. Remember when you were younger and I would read you every myth I could find as a bedtime story, well this is just like it. Please, just listen."

(Y/N) considered Techno's offer for a second and sighed, "Fine, I'll listen to your story." They muttered, leaning against their dad.

Techno chuckled, and ran his fingers through (Y/N)'s hair.

"One day when Zeus was out on a walk in the meadows he came across this maiden, the maiden's name; Leto. Leto was a gorgeous young woman and titan, no man or god could resist her. So Zeus approached her and the two fell in love immediately, but young love doesn't last forever. Once Leto had gotten impregnated by Zeus, Hera, Zeus' wife and the queen of the gods, found out about their fling. Hera was pissed, and rightfully so, so she punished Leto." Techno began, his head laid back as he told the story.

"But why'd Hera only punish Leto? Why not Zeus as well?" (Y/N) demanded, wanting to know the answer. "Well Zeus was more powerful than Hera, and in all honesty, she was scared of him. So instead of punishing him, she punished Leto." Techno explained. "Oh, that makes sense but it's still stupid!" (Y/N) persisted. Techno simply chuckled at that. "Now, where was I? Oh right punishment!" Techno cleared his throat and continued with the Story.

"Hera punished Leto so that whatever land she went to she wouldn't be able to give birth-" "What do you mean she wouldn't be able to give birth?" (Y/N) interrupted, confused. "(Y/N), let me finish. Hera punished Leto so that wherever she went a monster of some type would be awaiting for her, that would then chase Leto away." Techno explained, "Does that make sense now?" (Y/N) nodded. "May I continue the story?" Techno asked and (Y/N) nodded again.

"Now, not only did Hera punish Leto so that every place would turn her away, but Hera also forbade her daughter, the goddess of childbirth, from helping Leto." Techno continued with the Story, recalling every small detail of her punishment.

"That's down right evil!" (Y/N) exclaimed with anger. "It really is." Techno agreed. "May I now ask, how it this supposed to make me feel better?" (Y/N) asked. "All will be revealed in good time." Techno hummed, running his fingers through (Y/N)'s hair and they immediately relaxed.

"So Leto walked for months, desperately trying to find a place to give birth to her kid but her search was to no avail, no land would take her in. After 9 long and hard months, Leto knew she was going to give birth that day. Leto started running, unsure of where she was going. After a couple of hours Leto finally saw a piece of land, and she approached it tentatively and finally stepped onto the land. No monsters had come for her yet, Leto took another step. Still no monsters, so Leto started running to the middle of the land and sat down, preparing herself to have her kid."

"Wait! Leto can't give birth though, the punishment was that she wouldn't be able to give birth on any land! How isn't she being attacked right now?" (Y/N) asked. "Well, the island that Leto is on, technically wasn't an island yet." Techno replied in his monotone voice. "What do you mean, 'technically wasn't an island yet' how wasn't it?" (Y/N) questioned, plain confused. "Poseidon had just created that island, and it hadn't been tethered yet to the earth so it wasn't considered to be land. It was just floating debri at that point." Techno explained, pushing his glasses back up again. (Y/N) nodded and motioned for Techno to continue.

"Once Leto sat down, she immediately gave birth to her first child, a beautiful girl with black tufts of hair and blue eyes, Leto named her Artemis. Leto was content at first, thinking she had given birth to her one and only child, but a few minutes later Leto gave birth, with the help of her new daughter, to her son. A golden haired boy with pale blue eyes, Leto named him; Apollo.

Once the two gods were born, the island, which was named Delos, attached itself to the Earth. By Leto giving birth to her children, the island attached itself to the Earth earlier than necessary.

The two twin gods later became accomplished archers and gods, Artemis being the goddess of the moon and hunt, and Apollo being the god of the sun, archery, poetry and music, and medicine. But with all of their accomplishments Leto was left in the dark, only able to watch as her children grow from a distance.

And that, (Y/N), is the story of Leto. Not the story of Apollo and Artemis, but of Leto." Techno concluded, letting out a shaky breath.

"Now, do you see why that story matches your situation?" Techno asked, resting his head on his hands. "Well.... No. Not at all." (Y/N) sighs.

Techno chuckles, "It matches because Leto was convinced that it was hopeless, but even in her darkest time she still found the light. She found Delos which gave her hope. (Y/N) there will and always will be hope for you, you may not see it but it is there." Techno reassured (Y/N), engulfing them in a hug.

At first (Y/N) resisted, but then they melted into it, eventually lulled into a peaceful sleep.

Techno felt you fall asleep and he smiled slightly, glad that they would finally be able to sleep. Techno wrapped his arms around (Y/N) tighter and stood up with them still in his hold. Techno made his way upstairs and placed (Y/N) in their bed.

"Night kiddo." Techno whispered, shutting the lights off.


I hope ya'll liked this, I know I did. Now where's all of my Mythology nerds? 

This is 100% a story for you, enjoy it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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