Part 22

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Alex practically ran towards his apartment he was eager to see Julian since he told him to meet him there once he got out.

As he made his way onto his apartment he saw Julian and Jesse arguing with each other outside his front door

"No youre the jerk!" Yelled Julian as he pushed Jesse

"I never said you were a jerk i said you act like one!" Yelled Jesse back as he pushed Julian back.

"What is going on?! Why is it when you two or alone you guys argue?! Both of you are my friends and you guys are going to have to get along if were going to be hanging out together" Alex said as he crossed his arms and glared at them both

"Alex tell this jerk face to get out of here and that no one wants him here" exclaimed Jesse as he also crossed his arms

"What did you just call me?!" Julian went onto grab Jesse collar and pulled him closer "Look i dont know who you think you are but-"

"Julian stop!" Pleaded Alex as he grabbed onto Julians jacket trying to get him away from Jesse.

"Do it." Jesse smirked "beat me up Julian i know you've been waiting to do it so do it"

Julian held Jesse close to him before he let go of him and let out an annoyed sighed. Jesse was taunting him. Naturally he would beat up anyone that talked to him like that. But he knew that if Alex was around he would never forgive him. Especially not if it was Jesse. So thats why he was taunting him because Jesse knew that if he so ever made a scratch on him Alex would go mental.

"Jesus christ..." mumbled Alex as he opened the door "You new yorkers are a different breed of people i swear"

All of them went into Alex's apartment. Jesse laying down on Alex's bed while Julian looked outside through the window.

"Oh Alex... um.. i have not such great news.." said Julian as he grabbed a folded paper from his back pocket and handed it to Alex

Alex looked at him confused but grabbed the paper and unfolded it.

He started reading it and his eyes widen before he threw the paper on the floor.

"I-It cant be! How.. what.. why?! They cant continue the band without me it was my idea to begin with!" Alex said as he paced around his apartment stressed

"Alex chill out whats the big deal" said Jesse as he rolled his eyes and got out of bed to grab the paper.

"Oh... i see... maybe it was from weeks ago and its outdated?" he said as he read the paper

"No actually Nick showed it to me this morning. He said the flyer had been released and passed around today. The Arctic monkeys are playing with other local bands today..." Julian said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"They cant play! Not without me! Those are my songs anyways!" Said Alex as he sat down on his bed and put his hands over his face. He wanted to cry again.

"Alex calm down. Like i said maybe its just a misunderstanding or something. We can go today and see for ourselves if its true or not. Dont stress so much. Theres no point in worrying right now. Yeah Miles is a bad person, annoying and a total loser but i doubt he would go low enough to perform himself" Jesse said as he sat down next to Alex and started carrasing his hair bringing the smaller boy closer to him. He shot a glance at Julian and gave him a smirk. Jesse was definetly the comforting type unlike like Julian, thats what Alex liked about him. Thats what had made Alex fall for him in the first place.

Julian just rolled his eyes and looked away annoyed.

Time went by quickly for all of them and had now headed to the venue where this alleged show was happening.

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