Part 5

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"This is actually a pretty good song!" Said Nick as he practiced the melody that Miles had came out with on his bass "Who is it about? Is it about Alex? You dont have to tell me i know it is we all know"

Alex blushed and grabbed onto his Mic

"lets just get this song over with. Who cares who its about" he said

"No need to hide it from us. We all know things didnt work out between you and Miles. Plus we've seen how you look at Julian" said Matt raising his eyebrows

"W-What?! Julian?! I hate him" said Alex flustered

"Wait... what does he mean Alex?" Asked Miles concerningly

"Um.. didnt you see how he was looking at Julian when he was playing? He was practically drooling. He always get nervous around him or even talking about him. C'mon Miles youre not that blind are you? For a person obssessed with Alex for you not to have noticed that night is strange" Said matt as he got up from his drum set

"Is that true?" Asked Miles to Alex frowning and in dissapointment

"N-No! Of course not! He's lying!" Alex yelled and turning to face Matt "You are a liar! Why in the world would you even say that?!"

"Because its true! You cant keep on leading on Miles! Youre a horrible person for that Alex. Like we dont notice. Hell you are the one thats suppose to put a stop to that but instead you keep on leading him on!"

"How dare you even say that? We are just friends we've established that we are just friends and nothing more"

"Oh really? Does Miles think that huh? Why do you think he wrote this song just look at the lyrics! Oh god Alex you're so blind i believe you are playing stupid at this point. Miles falling for you is your fault because you dont put a stop to it."

At this point Alex had tears in his eyes. He couldnt believe his bandmate was accusing him of all of this. Especially saying that it was his fault and maybe... maybe it was.

Alex grabbed the lyrics sheet to the song and put it on his pocket before storming out of the apartment silently crying.

He walked
And walked
And walked even more till he was miles and mimes away from that apartment.

He sat down outside of this vintage record store. It was the only place that had seats outside.

Despite all that walking he still had tears in his eyes. He was still in shock. But maybe what Matt said was true. Maybe he was leading Miles on. The lyrics of the song explained it so well so it must be true.

"Are you crying?" Said a familiar voice

Alex looked up slightly and saw julian

"JULIAN!!" Alex's thought screamed

"No! Its just allergies! This city is very dirty im not used to it just yet. What do you want anyways?"

"Jeez sorry for asking. My friend works here. What are you doing here? Crying it up outside. Someone sees that youre getting mugged. Which would be hilarious"

"Ugh you're such a jerk... and i wasnt crying i told you i had allergies. And... also... i think im going to drop out for the show... you can have my guitar whatever its not like i'll play it anyways" Alex whispered that last part as he looked away

"So. I guess you were just all talk huh? Mr. Im a real musician. I knew you would be no match for me."

"I am a match and i would of won! I just..." Alex sighed "Dont have a band anymore..."

"Move over" Julian said rolling his eyes and sitting down "Now tell me what happened"

Alex didnt wanna tell him. But he felt comfortable this time around. Sure Julian had always been a jerk to him and got his bandmates to beat him up. But at least he's sitting down here with him. So close together...

"Well... my friend spent the night and the next morning he said he had written a song about me. A song that... explained how he felt about me... i didnt want to sing it! I really didnt... its a good song but its about me you know? So we ended up going with our other friends to practice and Matt just starts blamming me saying that i am leading Miles on. Which i am not! May i add. We tried things and they didnt work out so we are just friends. Its not my fault he still likes me. I dont even know why he likes me anyways..." Alex once again whispered that last part

"Yikes" said Julian "i mean i can see why he likes you"

"Huh?" Questioned Alex

"C'mon, You're pretty cute, you cant deny that, and if you're the lead singer im sure you have a nice voice. Plus being a mysterious handsome barista always helps huh? So i see why he likes you"

Alex blushed as he looked at Julian but quickly looked away
"He thinks im cute?!" Alex thought as he was still blushing

"W-Well.. I-I dont know about.." Alex shook his head and quickly stood up "Wait a minute... how do you know i was a barista"

Julians face went pale "Wait... Alex no its not what-"

"Have you been stalking me?!"

"No!" Said Julian standing up "Just one day i saw you walking and well.. i was gonna go up to you but instead.. um..."

Alex looked terrified, he started to slowly back away from Julian. He couldnt believe it. What else does he know?! Has he been following him all this time?!

"You followed me to my job?! You're stalking me arent you?!"

"Alex... Its not-"

"Just stay away from me you freak!" Said Alex as he started running away

"Great" Julian thought "You really did it this time huh?"

Julian sighed and went inside the record store to meet up his friend. Now Alex is gonna think hes this weird stalker. Great.

"That was weird. What was that about?" Nick asked, which was Julians friend and band member

"Oh um.. well since we are competing against them this weekend i taught i would try and see what they would do ya know? See the competition a bit."

Nick shrugged and started putting records away.

Enemys to lovers Julex( alex turner x julian casablancas) Where stories live. Discover now