Chapter 3

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Death is inevitable. At least that's what we learned in Human Anatomy class today. Dr. Bradley walked around the classroom holding a skull in his hands as we all focused on his words.

"Though many of us are scared of what it might bring, Death does not hold back on its victims. It doesn't care whether or not we are ready to die. It simply engulfs us and snatches our souls without a second thought."

A hand rose up from the back of the classroom. "Yes, Naomi?"

"No disrespect, Dr. B, but isn't this Anatomy class? Why are we talking about death as if it were theology?" 

"That's a great question, Naomi. As you can see..." I tuned out what Dr. Bradley was saying when I felt my arm vibrate. I decided to wear my watch today because it kept getting stuck underneath all of my books and I didn't want it to break. Now that it was vibrating, it was a good thing it wasn't in my bag or it would've drawn a lot of attention.

I rose my hand quickly and Dr. Bradley paused his conversation yet again. "Yes, Nico?"

"May I be excused?" He nodded his head. "Go ahead, but be quick."

"Yes sir." I quickly left the classroom and found the bathroom nearby empty, which was a relief. I quickly locked the door and lifted up my sleeve revealing the orange screen of the watch.


I selected "YES" and a holographic image of Jess appeared in front of me. 

"Hey, Nico." She greeted.

"Hey, Jess. What's going on?"

"Well, we have a mission for you."

"Right now?" I asked, looking at my surroundings. "But I'm at school." 

"It shouldn't take too long," Jess responded. "We just need you to keep an eye on someone for us." I sighed and looked up at the lime green ceiling. If I were to accept, I was risking skipping school. If I were to say no, then I would be missing out on meeting other Spider people. 

"Fine. But let me suit up, first." 

"You have 5 minutes. Meet back here so I can open a portal for you." With that, Jess hung up the call and I was left alone in the bathroom trying to come up with an excuse to get me out of class. 

In less than a minute, I was barging back into my anatomy classroom soaking wet. The entire class looked at me before laughing loudly. Even Dr. Bradley chuckled before walking up to me. 

"Nico, are you okay? What happened?" I sighed before lying.

"I was trying to wash my hands like a normal person, but when I turned the faucet it broke and water sprayed all over me. And then when I tried to place the handle back on, it just got worse. Is it okay if I go to the nurse's office and get a change of clothes?" 

"Of course. Wouldn't want you catching a cold. Dylan can you bring me Nico's backpack please?" Within seconds, I was in the hallway with a note and my bag. I quickly walked back to the bathroom, making sure it was still empty, and locked the door again.

I changed into my suit and placed my soaked clothes and my bag up in the ceiling in the corner before waiting for Jess to open up the portal for me. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I had only known about the multiverse for a week and now I was being sent on a mission. What if I screw up? What if something bad happens? What if I don't come home? 

"Nico, focus." I told myself. I didn't want to be a nervous wreck and ruin any first impressions I may need to make. 

After about 2 minutes, the familiar yellow light became to fill up the bathroom and a portal appeared in front of me. I took a deep breath in and stepped into the portal, instantly being pulled by some sort of gravity. I was too busy screaming to notice all of the colors that danced around me. I never rode a rollercoaster before, but I imagined it was something like this as I was spinning in all different directions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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