Chapter 1

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Here we go.

Hi, my name is Nico Garcia-Parker and I am New York's one and only Spiderman and have been for the past 3 years. At the young age of 13, I was on a field trip at the Alchemax Science Center and Museum, and a weird ass spider crawled on my leg and bit me. And, off course, I started screaming and crying because I wasn't trying to die. Luckily, I didn't die but I did end up gaining some super powers including super strength, fast healing, night vision, heightened senses, and climbing. I decided to use my powers to protect people in the Big Apple.

 I even got assistance from Dr. Octavius, my next door neighbor who happened to have witnessed me crawling up my apartment building wall trying to sneak into my bedroom. He used to work at Alchemax in the technology department and was able to design my web shooters for me. Unfortunately, Dr. Octavius became obsessed with me being Spiderman and the reputation I was getting. 

So, he tried to become his own version of Spiderman by building these weird robot arms and instead of being the hero, he became the villain. We ended up fighting a brutal battle, which resulted in the entire apartment building I called home to collapse. It ended up killing so many people including my parents and younger brother. 

Anyway, that's enough sad talk. Let's talk about why we're here!

A week ago, I was doing my usual nightly patrol around the city when a loud roar could be heard in Central Park. I decided to check it out and swung over. I was not expecting to see a giant rhino running around the park, hitting the trees and nearly trampling pedestrians. The crazy thing is, this rhino was PINK.

"Well, that's not something you see everyday." I said, running over to the rhino trying to get it to stop its chaos. 

"Hey! Rhino!" I yelled out, making sure I wasn't too close to the pink animal. "Can you stop wrecking everything?" This caused the giant animal to turn around and look me up and down. I looked down at my Spiderman uniform. Shit. Of course I had to be wearing red.

The rhino started chasing after me and I turned around and hauled ass. I can't believe I'm about to die 1) in Central Park of all places and 2) because of a PINK rhino! This night couldn't have gone any weirder. And it's like God heard my thoughts or something because the rhino ended up making this weird noise. I turned around and it had these weird shapes and colors on it, flashing rapidly. After two seconds, the rhino was back to "normal" and collapsed on the ground exhausted. I walked over to the giant animal and awkwardly patted its head. 

"Where did you come from, big guy?" 

After securing the rhino to the ground with my webs, I made a call to Animal Control. They said it would take them around an hour to get to Central Park due to traffic, so I sat on a bench near the now passed out animal to wait. As I sat there, a bright yellow light came out of nowhere and a lady on a motorcycle rode out of it. She was wearing a really cool outfit and her bike was also really cool. Everything about her screamed cool.

"Woah," I said as she rode up to the rhino. She didn't acknowledge me and kicked her foot against the sleeping animal. She then pressed some buttons on her wristband and then looked back towards the yellow light. 

A large man in a red and blue suit came walking out. His suit looking kind of like mine except it looked like it was sparkling. Who were these people? I watched as he stood next to the motorcycle woman and held out his hand towards the pink rhino. He then shot some kind of electrical trap, enclosing the rhino in it. 

"What are you doing?" I finally found the courage to speak up, causing both of them to look my way. They looked a little shocked that I had been casually sitting over here the entire time.

"Are you the Spiderman of this universe?" The man in the blue suit questioned. He began to walk over to my seated area and I could feel the intimidation looming over him like some kind of cologne.

I looked around and shrugged. "I would hope so. I've been doing the job for 3 years now."

"Nice job on handling the rhino. He's not from here - your universe - so it's our job to take him back home." I nodded my head, trying to wrap my head around the situation at hand.

"Who are you, people?" I asked both the blue guy and the motorcycle lady. "This is a lot to take in right now." 

The motorcycle lady got off her bike and walked over to us. Even though it was night time, and only the lamp next to the bench offered some source of light, I could see she was VERY pregnant. "Oh, how rude of us!" she said. "I'm Spider Woman, but you can call me Jess. I'm from Earth 332. And this is-"

"Spiderman 2099." He said coldly. 

"But you can call him Miguel," Jess continued.

"What are the numbers for? 332? 2099? And wait does that mean I'm not the only Spiderm- Spider person?" 

Miguel nodded his head, it was hard to know what he was doing under his mask. I assume he only knew how to frown. "There are thousands of us, each and everyone one of us a part of what's called the multiverse."

"Woah." This was a lot to handle. What seemed like a normal patrol turned into a really weird yet exciting night. 

"Yeah, we even have a headquarters." Jess added which caused Miguel to sigh. "What? He just took down an anomaly all on his own. The kid deserves a spot in the Spider society." 

Spider Society? Like an organization?

Miguel stood there for a few seconds not saying a word. Trying not to make the silence any more awkward, I decided to start counting the stars in the sky. Which wasn't very difficult since only a handful were visible due to New York's lights shining ever-so brightly. 

"Fine." Was all the man said before throwing be a watch similar to him and Jess. "Don't drop that." 

I finally got up off the bench and watched Miguel carry the rhino into the yellow light. Jess walked up to me and patted my shoulder. "Welcome to the Spider Society, kid." I looked down at the watch which had a bright orange screen.

"If we need you for anything, we'll give you a call okay? In the meantime, don't do anything stupid."

I chuckled. "I'll try. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself."

"It's all good." Jess said, walking back to her bike. "We knew who you were already, Nico." With that, she got on her motorcycle and followed Miguel into the light. Once she disappeared, the light went out and I was once again covered by the New York night. 

I slid the watch onto my wrist and it fitted itself flesh against it. It's screen was blank, but it still shined orange. 


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