Chapter 2: Reunion

Começar do início

"Is that lemonade?" I ask.

Susannah smiles at my presence.

"It is, grab a glass and I can pour you some," she offers. Grabbing a glass from the cabinets I walk to the table and take a seat next to her. "My gosh Laurel, both of them are starting to bloom,"

My mom laughs. "I know, they're growing up on us,"

"So? What's been new? School, friends, parties, boys," Susannah grins. "I want to hear it all,"

I sip my lemonade. Where to start?

This past school year I had made honor roll, maintaining good grades in my harder classes while also making varsity on the tennis team. Branching out a little bit more, I did make new friends, but I still pretty much kept the same close circle I always had. The few parties I attended weren't anything special and the boy I guess I was considered to have something with, Hayes, had ended after about four months. I wasn't too upset when it did. How could I be? Hayes was great. Everything anyone would want- sweet, funny, cute. I did like him, at least I think I did, but deep down a small part of me was always wishing it was someone else.

I left that part out when telling Susannah.

"Awe. Well, that's what's so great about being young my dear," she says smiling while cupping my face. "You've got all the time in the world to meet the right boy,"

"I know," I respond with a smile.

My mom checks her watch and sighs. "I'll be back," she announces getting up and grabbing her bag.

"You going into town?" Susannah asks.

"Yeah, I need to go to Whale of a Tale to sign stock. Belly was supposed to join me, but it appears she's ditched me," she glances at me. "What about you, Bean? Want to join your mom?"

I make a face.

"Actually.. I think I might head to ocean to hunt for some shells," I respond.

Susannah laughs.

"Don't worry, I'll go with you. I just have to stop by the country club first to grab something,"

"The country club? Oh gosh, nevermind. I'll go by myself," mom jokes.

"I'm going to check on the catering for your party,"

"Catering? I swear to God, Beck. You said you were doing a few bottles of wine and that's it,"

"It's just a few light appies. Calm down. You don't have to come in the club," she smiles reassuringly.

"Fine," mom lets in.

As they continue to talk I slip out, going through the back door to head to the water. I stop outside and open up the beach bin, grabbing my shell bag and scooper before walking down the sandy path onto our own private part of the beach.

Scents of salt air consume me as the wind lightly blows my hair. The sand is soft and warm under my feet as the sun sits shining down on both me and the water with a certain glow I can only ever feel at Cousins. Looking forward I spot Jere and Belly who must have ditched the house for a dip in the ocean. Belly waves to me.

"Kie!" shes says excitedly before being pushed into the water by Jeremiah.

"Hi, Kie!" he shouts laughing. "Where's your suit?"

I take a quick look down at my t-shirt and shorts before answering.

"I'm not here to swim. Just shell hunting,"

The Summer My Sister Turned PrettyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora