Chapter 16 Memories of sadness

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           After a roll coaster of happy memories and times, Grayson found himself back at the Foundation. He looked around in horror as he saw blood, bullets, and bodies scattered around the room.  Glass and pictures laid in disarray. 

          "Oh my! What happened?" he thought, surveying the damage. 

       Taking a step back, he stopped when he heard the sound of glass crunching beneath his feet. Glancing down, he saw he had stepped on a broken picture frame, a picture underneath the broken glass. Bending down, he carefully scooped up the photo, his breath catching in his throat. 

      The photo captured one of the worst times of his life: the funeral of Emily Laughlin. The girl he had loved with his whole heart, but also killed in that fatal night of cliff diving. The guilt he felt would never leave him. Never.

      Dressed in black, and standing stiff as a board in the picture, Grayson still wondered how he got through that horrible day. Maybe it was because he had been taught since he was very young that he had to keep his emotions in check, and that he didn't get to make mistakes. If he did, there would be consequences. Emily's death was the consequence for letting himself want something, and not putting family first. After that, he never let himself make that same mistake again. Even if it cost himself his own happiness.

      Glancing around he realized that the other photos in the room recapped bad memories and horrible moments in his life. Part of him wanted to run from all of this. These were the things that gave him sleepless nights, as he tried vainly to forget. Why go down that road? All it will do is bring more sadness and anger upon him.

       Then he remembered the conversation he had had with Avery, back when they were looking at the pictures of happiness. She had told him that he would not only go down a road to remember the good times, but also the bad. He was then to choose what he wanted in his life. When he thought about the choices he had, the good times was the obvious choice, right?  Who wanted bad and horrible things to happen them all the time? But he didn't really have a choice in the matter. This was a dream, a wonderful, chaotic, weird, horrible, and just plan crazy dream. And as much as you wish you could control dreams, you can't.

      Closing his eyes, he prayed it would come and go as quickly as possible. Nothing happened. Frustrated, he opened his eyes again. As he looked around the room, something seemed familiar. He was so sure he knew that he had seen the gory scene before him. Like it happened in the past, but at this moment he was seeing it as if it was going to happen in the future. 

      He willed his mind to tell him when this had taken place, but he came up with nothing. Part of him was frightened that he couldn't remember, then he had a thought. It was possible that at this moment, he was his past self, which is why he couldn't remember what had happened. Because in his past this hadn't taken place. 

      Curious, he stepped forward. What occurred in the future that led to blood, bullets and bodies in the Foundation? And where was he in all this? These were the moments in his life that bad things had befallen him. At that moment, he heard a low moan coming from the room beyond. Cautiously, he walked to the sound. He halted in dread when he saw gray pants clad legs lying in pools of blood. 

      "Who is that?" he thought, as he couldn't see the face. "Are they alright?"

      For a split second he couldn't move. Yet then, as his began to spring action, he began to go backward. The glass, blood, bodies, Foundation, and the unknown person, began to fade from his memory into blackness. 

        "No!" he pleaded in desperation "I need to know what happens! Who was that mysterious person?" But his dream ignored the pleas.

       It was time to face his nightmares.

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