Chapter 15 What are you up to?

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       As soon as Oren stepped in through the gigantic front doors, he was confronted by Avery and Jameson. Neither of them said anything, but Oren noticed that both shared a look of anticipation, but also impatience in their eyes. He handed over what they were waiting for: the folder containing the photos of Toby Hawthorne. Jameson took it, while Avery grabbed the other things Oren had gathered from the Foundation.

        Both walked back to Avery's room, with Oren at their heels. He posted himself outside the door once they got there. Collapsing on the bed, Jameson fairly ripped open the folder.  Spread-ing  the photos over the bed, they took a closer look.

       Even though there was no time stamp, they could tell the photos were recent. In all the photos, Toby was in the property of Vincent Blake. Avery tried to keep a straight a face, but it was hard. Toby wasn't just the man she played chess in the park; he was the man who her deceased mother loved. He was there with her mother when Avery was first born. He signed her birth certificate. No matter where he was, or what he was doing, he would always have a special place in Avery's heart.

        In most, Toby was alone. But there were a few that a person was with him. All, except for one, Vincent Blake was in them. Eveyln Shane, most known as Eve, was in the other one. She had deceived them, making them believe she was trying to find Toby when he had been abducted. In truth, she used them to find the last Blake seal, that Toby had hidden when he was a teenager. Tobias Hawthorne, many years ago, watched Toby's biological die, and then covered the evidence. After Toby found out years later, he sought revenge by stealing the seal and hiding it from his adopted father. 

     Avery's stomach twisted in spite when she saw, even though captured on camera, the disregard they treated Toby with. Like he was a servant, and nothing else.

     "Heiress." a soft voice brought her back to the present. "Are you alright?"

     She shook her head, then gave a small smile, "I will be fine. I just need to digest what I am seeing."

     Jameson nodded. He was still trying to process why Grayson was taking pictures, or having pictures given to him of Toby. What was his plan with them? Blackmail Vincent Blake of his misuse to Toby. That didn't seem like Grayson, though he was known for using pictures to blackmail people who got in his way. There had to be a bigger reason, but what was is it?

      Jameson loved puzzles and riddles, he lived for them. And now another one had been thrown at them, and there was no way he wasn't going to play. They still weren't sure this was the reason Grayson had been targeted, but this was good a place to start as any.

      Jameson noticed a look of contemplation on Avery's face as she went over the photos again. What was she seeing that he wasn't?

     "Is there something you would like to share?"

      Avery looked up. "What?" 

     He repeated his question.

     "I was just wondering if Grayson had anymore photos of Toby stored somewhere else. I have a feeling there are more. Any idea where they might be if he had them?"

      Jameson gave a small, sly smile, "Actually, I do."  But before he could tell her about, his phone chimed. He looked down, worry creasing his brow.

       "What is it?" Avery asked.

       "It's the hospital. They were going to give us updates on Grayson's condition." 


    He sighed "He is still hanging in there. But it looks like he has fallen deeper into his coma. The doctors don't think they can pull him out of it, at least not yet."

     Avery slightly squeezed his arm, trying to give him comfort. "He will be alright. Your brother is strong, he will come out of this. Just keep telling yourself that. You'll do that, right?"

     He looked down at her. "Right." he whispered.

     "Now, where would these pictures maybe be?"

     Jameson gave a small smile, returning to his normal self, "Guess."


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