Chapter VII

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Crominus silently took a sip of raven tea, or water as he looked around the tavern. It was filled with mostly ravens showing each other stolen items and haggling over them. Just as he was ready to leave he spotted the raven he wanted to see: Ripnik the raven, sitting in the far corner of the tavern alone, sipping his own cup of raven tea.

Crominus then pulled his cape over his face and slowly got up from his chair. He got a few looks from some of the animals sitting on the table next to him, but he was able to walk up to the raven without anybody suspecting anything. He sat down at Ripnik's table facing the wall and looked around a final time before addressing the raven.

"How much are you willing to pay?" The raven asked so as to assert dominance.

"I understand it's a pretty big job, but I think four crocodile coins is more than enough." Crominus whispered as he discretely glanced over at the table next to them.

"Crocodile coins? What even is that?" Ripnik said, using Crominus' desire for discreteness to his advantage.

"Not so loud. Fine, you can take the second royal speedor, and of course, anything you can steal in the lion temple." Crominus said, trying to fight the urge to look around him.

"The second royal speedor, huh? Why not the first? You said it yourself, it's a big job." Ripnik emphasized the last two words to pressure the crocodile king.

"You know I can't give my speedor away. How about the wolf alpha male's speedor and the second royal speedor? Final offer." Crominus said as he tried to sound threatening while being as quiet as possible.

"Please, you can't possibly think threatening me with a final offer will work. Just a few words and the entirety of this tavern will know I am talking to the king of crocodiles about assassinating his rival. I will take the second royal speedor if you give me the royal crocodile tank, and I will accept the other speedor." Ripnik said, talking a bit louder than before.

"Royal tank!? Are you serious!?" Crominus silently yelled, and then sighed. "It's a deal, but it has to happen tomorrow night."

The two animals shook hands and the crocodile king left the tavern.

Crominus appeared in front of the wolf camp with his royal tank as a final goodbye to his beloved vehicle. He got out of the tank accompanied by his two guards and entered the camp after greeting Winzar and asking to speak to Worriz. After a few minutes the two animals finally met up inside Worriz' tent.

"So, this wolf wine, it's new, right? You've never given it to me before." Crominus said as he examined his drink.

"It's not wine, who told you that? I decided to treat you with our finest drink since I really expect good news, or, I at least really hope, for both our sakes, it is good news." Worriz said as he waved around his knife in front of the crocodile and stared at him menacingly.

"So, if it isn't wine...?" Crominus said as he started getting nervous and glanced at his guards for support, who took a small step towards the exit.

"It's blood, Crominus. What did you think the red non-wine liquid was? Get those guards out of here and tell me the good news." Worriz said threateningly. The guards eagerly left the tent.

"What kind of blood?" Crominus said as he took a small sip. The wolf continued staring at him while putting his knife in front of his face.

"Well, I have good news, like you wanted, but I also have bad news." Crominus said and waited for a few seconds. The wolf did nothing but continue to stare at him, this time with an angrier expression.

Legends of Chima: Rex LeoWhere stories live. Discover now