You're Not Schizophrenic, Are You?

Start from the beginning

She locked eyes with you, "I possessed crucial information of the Blue Spider Lily." With your mouth now agape, your eyes widened further, "The.. Blue Spider Lily? What about it..?"

Akari smiled guiltily, "I.. don't remember. After I had died, I've lost all my memories of the fact. But.. Muzan believed that it had been in my blood, somehow."

She continued, "While I was out on a solo mission, he captured me. I don't know how long he kept me captured, but while I was.. he—"

Her voice reduced to a mere whisper, "He practically tortured me. I was.. like some lab rat to him; something that could easily be toyed with. Even after I had told him I hadn't possessed the lily within my blood, he believed me to be lying."

She squeezed her arms, "Once he finally found out, he took his anger out on me. And.. shortly after, all I remember was watching over you, with knowledge of your future."

Regaining her composure, she shook her head lightly, "My entire life.. it was taken away within an instant. Everyone that I knew and loved, I'll never interact with them ever again."

You looked up, your mouth opening, "I know what that's like." Akari merely nodded in return, "You do, don't you?" You hummed, "I'm sorry, it's not a good feeling."

"Mm. You're right."

A comfortable silence fell between the two of you, before you spoke once more, "Akari. I'm going to kill him." She looked to you, her eyes softening, "Well, that was the goal in the first place."

You cleared your throat, "Yeah, but.. at first, it was to protect my friends.. and get revenge, in a way, because of my brother. Now, I've got another reason to motivate me."

You stood to your feet, dusting your legs off, "I'm going to avenge you, Akari. I'm not going to let your death; the torture you went through, be in vain."

You clenched your fists that laid at your sides, "I'm.. going to make him pay. He shouldn't be thinking that he can toy with me and get away with it."

"I'm.. not helpless. I'm not the girl I was three years ago. I'm.. going to get stronger. Not just for myself, my friends or my brother.. but for you too, Akari."

Akari stood to her feet effortlessly, a tear pricking her eyes, to which she immediately wiped away, "I'd.. like that, (Y/N). Thank you."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a new voice joined in. It was somewhat calm, but still suspicious, "You're not.. schizophrenic.. are you?"

You widened your eyes whipping your head to face the voice, "EH?! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY THAT, YOU STALKING CREEP— oh my god."

You felt a wave of surprise rush through you as you locked eyes with the Mist Hashira — Muichiro Tokito.

Nonetheless, you still kept an offended tone, pointing a finger at him, "WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE, ANYWAYS?! SHOULDN'T YOU BE DOING.. I DON'T KNOW, HASHIRA RELATED SHIT?!"

Soon enough, you felt a small rock collide with your forehead, causing you to clutch it in pain, "Ow, ow, ow!! What the hell?!"

Muichiro narrowed his eyes on you, crossing his arms, "Hey, you really have no filter, don't you?" Your eye twitched as you seethed back, "Stop changing the subject.. and answer me.."

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