The Hotel

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Gerard's POV

I made it to my hotel in L.A next to a small apartment complex, and start to carry my bags inside, and walk to the front table to ask where my room is.

"Excuse me, Ma'm? Can you tell me what my room number is? The reservation is under the name Gerard Way."
The lady working at the desk gives me a judging stare and mutters something under her breath, then says "Room 420"

I sigh and start to walk away, knowing she probably said something about my appearance. I take the elevator up to the 4th floor of the hotel, having to share it with a couple. I force a faux smile and say my hellos while I walk into the small elevator box. They get as far away as they can from me in the tight space, pressing themselves against the sides of the small box. I look down and wait for the elevator to make a complete stop.
As soon as the door opens, the man and the woman both rush out of the door, holding each others hands as they turn the corner.

I hold my hands up to my face and silently start to sob into my blue and white suit. I hear the small ding of the elevator and walk to my room, my elbow covering my eyes in case anyone saw me. I make it to my room and lay on the bed for a good half-hour. I make it to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. Was it my big black eyes that were scary? My antennas that slightly stick out of my hair? I Just don't understand, and I don't think I ever will.

I sigh and grab my bag, deciding to go on a walk to clear my head. I walk down to the nearest park, right next to the apartment complex and the hotels.

"Humans Can Love Too?" A Hesitant Alien Gerard Way X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now