Thomas' Nightmare

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(The scene shows a full moon in the sky)

Narrator: Thomas' Nightmare.

(As the camera pans down to the shed where Thomas and Ashima are.....)

Narrator: One night on the Island of Sodor, everyone was asleep. Everywhere was quiet and calm. Except one. Thomas and Ashima were fast asleep in a shed near Tidmouth. Ashima was sound asleep. Thomas, however, was breathing heavily as he slept. He was having a nightmare.

(The scene goes to Thomas' nightmare)

Narrator: Thomas was running as fast as he could. Soon he was at the edge of Brendam Docks. He tried to turn back. But the thing that was chasing him was blocking his way. It was a demonic Ashima. Her bright colours had gone dark and her eyes were red with anger.

Thomas: Ashima! Please listen! I'm sorry!


(Then Ashima starts pushing Thomas towards the edge. The closer they get, the more frightened Thomas is)


Demonic Ashima: IT'S TOO LATE NOW!

(Ashima shoves Thomas off the edge and leaves him in the sea to rust and drown)

(The scene goes back to reality)

Narrator: Thomas' eyes went wider than a top hat as he woke up from his nightmare. Breathing heavily and with a face drenched in sweat, he realised that he was in his own shed then looked over to his left side to see Ashima sound asleep. Her dark paintwork was gone and her bright colours were back. Her eyes, though shut, were calm and peaceful. Slowly, tears fell from his eyes as he began to cry. It had been weeks since Ashima had arrived to Sodor. And a few years since the last Great Railway Show. Ashima had let the subject fly away, but it was nothing compared to what Thomas was going through. Over the past few weeks, Thomas had horrible nightmares of Ashima hating him and trying to kill him. Thomas' sobbing was all it took to wake Ashima up.

Ashima: Mmm... (eyes open a bit) Thomas? (looks to her right, gasps) Thomas? Are you okay?

(Ashima moves onto the turntable and switches tracks to face Thomas, who is shaking with worry. For a while, Thomas just stares at Ashima and sees her eyes weren't filled with hatred, disbelief and dread. They were filled with care, sorrow and worry for him. Thomas was so happy on the inside, he didn't know what to do next. Then out of nowhere, Thomas' lips then crash onto Ashima's, blessing her with a sweet kiss. Ashima was surprised at first, then she returned the kiss. After a few moments of sweet bliss, they break off. Ashima just stares at Thomas, amazed by his move. Then she sees Thomas blushing and crying at the same time)

Ashima: Thomas? What's wrong?

Thomas: (whimpering) A-As-shim-ma, (hic) I'm so s-or-ry I was (hic) so r-rude t-to you (hic) wh-en you we-re left beh-ind. (even more tears fall.)

Ashima: (gasp)

(Ashima could tell straight off the look on his face that he had a nightmare again)

Ashima: Oh, Thomas.

(Slowly, Ashima moves forward and they're buffers softly touched. Then their eyes closed as they went in for another kiss. Slowly, Thomas moved himself and Ashima onto the turntable where they moved into Ashima's berth. The kiss soon changed from slow and smooth to passionate and fiery. Thomas' tongue darted into Ashima's mouth, desperate to find it's partner. As soon as they found each other, they played with each other. Ashima's mind was swept away by the texture of Thomas' soft, warm lips. Thomas' mind went numb as he tasted her soft, cherry flavoured lips and mouth)

Narrator: Thomas' mouth was soon covering Ashima's face in soft kisses. As they continued, Thomas felt whole again. His heart chips were swept away by their kiss. After about 3 hours of making out endlessly, they slowly broke off and stared in each other's eyes.

Ashima: Thomas.... I could never hate or abandon you. I love you too much to hold a grudge against you. I love you.

Narrator: Thomas thought he was dead. He had just kissed the engine of his dreams and now she was saying the words he never thought she'd say. Then, he went back in, smashing his lips onto hers, instantly telling her that he loved her too. Their love had changed from a simple friendship to the love of Romeo and Juliet, but without the dying part. Their lips remained locked as they fell fast asleep.

(The next morning.....)

Narrator: The next day, everyone was awake and heading off to work.

Meggy: Morning, Steam Team.

James: Good morning!

Nia: Morning, Meggy.

Percy: So who's ready to have some fun?

Meggy: (chuckles) Percy. It's still sunrise. Just let everyone come round first.

(Meggy is about to wake up Thomas and Ashima, when she notices that they are sleeping and kissing at the same time. The others see this too)

Percy and Nia: Awww.

Meggy: (chuckles; whispering) I think it's best that we just let them have their time together. After all they've been through, I'd say they've earned a break.

Mario: (whispering; to Meggy) True words have never been spoken, Meggy.

Narrator: So, with that said, the others left Thomas and Ashima in the shed. Alone.

(The end)

Mark Moraghan as the Narrator
John Hasler as Thomas
Rob Rackstraw as James
Nigel Pilkington as Percy
Tina Desai as Ashima
Yvonne Grundy as Nia
Chris Pratt as Mario
Elsie Lovelock as Meggy

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