Missing Ashima

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(The title card appears)

Narrator: Missing Ashima.

(The title card disappears)

Narrator: It was winter time on the Island of Sodor, and all of the engines were happily going about doing their jobs. They all enjoyed the holidays, and Christmas was fast approaching. Thomas was going along his branch line with Annie and Clarabel. But, he was feeling a little unsure with himself. So much so, that he overshot the platform!

Annie: Thomas! The platform!

Clarabel: You've overshot it!

Thomas: Oh!

(Thomas screeches to a stop)

Thomas: Sorry.

(Thomas reverses onto the platform to let his passengers off)

Thomas: (moans)

Narrator: Thomas felt silly that he missed the platform. But then, wonderful, but painful memories of a friend he'd made a long time ago entered his thoughts. It was one of the engines at the Great Railway Show. The one who had gotten left behind on Sodor, and had helped Thomas see the good in himself. Ashima. Thomas sighed as he replayed all of his memories of her in his mind. He missed her dearly, and much more than she would probably know, if she even still remembered him.

Meggy: Thomas?

(Meggy's voice interrupts his thoughts)

Thomas: Y-Yes?

(Thomas notices the guard waving a green flag in front of him, signaling that he could proceed)

Thomas: Oh. Sorry!

(Thomas blows his whistle and leaves the station. He then sighs)

Meggy: Are you alright, Thomas? Not even five minutes ago you were happy helping me, Mario, Luigi and Tari prepare for the winter holidays, and paying attention. Now, you're glum and spacey.

(Thomas sighs again)

Thomas: Oh, it's nothing, Meggy. Just memories.

Clarabel: It's not like you to be down this time of year, Thomas. Is there something bothering you?

Narrator: Thomas didn't respond, which just confirmed his coaches suspicions. Something was bothering him, but he most likely wouldn't tell them what.


Narrator: When Thomas was finished with his branch line, he was assigned shunting duty at Knapford Station. He quietly chuffed around the yard, biffing trucks to the left, and bashing them to the right.

(Gordon wheeshes into the station, preparing for the Express)

Gordon: Look alive, little Thomas! I need my Express coaches!

(Thomas is then briefly pulled from his thoughts)

Thomas: Right. Sorry Gordon!

(Once Thomas is coupled to the coaches, he slowly hauls them behind Gordon)

Gordon: It's about time! You might have made me late!

(But Thomas isn't in the mood to argue)

Thomas: Sorry, Gordon.

Narrator: Gordon was surprised, and even a little concerned. He teased Thomas, but he was still Thomas' friend, and he knew Thomas would normally have a cheeky retort at the ready for anything he could say. But Thomas's quiet response was unusual, and Gordon was befuddled as to what had stopped Thomas from continuing. But instead of figuring it out, Gordon just waited for his passengers to seat themselves in silence, before blowing his whistle and leaving the station.

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