Chapter 22: Visiting The Imperial Palace

Start from the beginning

At this moment, The muscular man behind the emperor noticed Garou standing there not paying any respect to the emperor. The man took a step forward and spoke with an authoritative voice "Hey you... What do you think you're doing? Why are you not showing respect to the emperor."

The rest finally noticed Garou standing there, the emperor frowned a little while Esdeath explained "He is new here and he doesn't know you, your majesty. In addition ..."

"What about me standing here? Do you have a problem?" Garou spoke interrupting Esdeath, he didn't like when people talked like that to him, especially weaklings who believed themselves above others because of their social standing or the whole politics thing.

Lighting started cracking around the man as he replied "I see ! It seems I will need to make an example out of you. So no one in the future will dare to disrespect his majesty."

In that moment, Esdeath and her soldiers knew this going in a terrible direction. Esdeath didn't care much about the foolish general in front of her. But she didn't want a fight to break out here. On one side, Garou was the one she chose to be her lover. While the empire was the source of her fun and battles, she couldn't afford to lose its support.

"Your majesty ...." Esdeath was about to talk again, but Budo didn't wait for her, he shouted 'DIE !' as he immediately attacked. A terrifying wave of lighting targeted Garou, the latter didn't dodge and allowed it to hit him. Esdeath seeing it play out like this was enraged, she sent Ice spears toward Bodou, who casually blocked them. He was about to say something, but the man that was supposed to have died upon being hit spoke.

"The toys you're wearing can generate electricity, huh? That's an interesting weapon you got there."

Garou might have reverted to a human again after his defeat at the hands of Saitama. Still, some of the monster characteristics remained there, such as his heat and electricity resistance. Could the fool before him send attacks more potent than S class heroes or dragon class monsters?

Budo was shocked, the man stood in his place with lighting flickering around him, he wasn't hurt in the slightest. Esdeath sighed in relief at first, but then all of her instincts screamed danger, just as when she challenged him. Budo attacked Garou, so Garou would definitely fight back. This was going to turn shit if this goes on.

Her worries were spot on, Garou was emitting a dreadful aura as he eyed Budo. The great general felt he was being eyed by a terrifying beast. Budo wanted to take a step back, but a shadow passed by him as he felt a sharp pain in his right arm. He looked at his arm and realised it was missing.

"Does it hurt?" a voice whispered behind him.

Bodou turned around and saw Garou pointing his own severed arm at him. Bodou wanted to attack Garou, but Garou was faster. Garou swung the severed limb as a weapon slapping the general right in the face and knocking him down.

"Or does this hurt even more? being slapped out cold by your own hand" Garou snorted in contempt at the fallen general, before turning toward Esdeath "I took your words to heart as I tore off the bastard's arm, happy?"

The emperor and the fat man paled at the gruesome sight of blood. The child backed off along with the fat man, not saying anything. The strongest guard the royal palace had to offer was defeated in an instant!

The fat man turned to Esdeath with a worried expression and asked "General Esdeath, who might this man be ?"

"Oh, right. This is Garou, the lover I found. He was the one I fought against today in the city and bested me as you can see" Esdeath said with a blush.

If someone were to see this blush, and despite the bandages covering her face, they would have been mesmerised by her angelic face. However, to the fat man, this was the most terrifying thing he has ever seen. Esdeath fell in love with that guy, and he was stronger than her? He defeated Budo instantly! Where the fuck did she find him!?

The young emperor steeled his heart and took a step forward, he spoke with all the courage he had "how dare you attack my subject in my presence, this is an act of treason!"

Garou looked at the child and smirked "You have some guts talking to me like this! Who do you think you are, brat?"

The boy took a step back and spoke with a shaking voice, "I'm not a brat, I'm the emperor !"

Garou laughed at the boy, he replied loudly scaring the shit out of the boy and the prime minister next to him "If you are an emperor, I'M A GOD ! IF I SAY YOU ARE BRAT THEN YOU ARE A BRAT!"

Garou extended his hand toward the boy and grabbed him from his neck mercilessly. He raised him in the air. The Jaegers couldn't tolerate his actions and wanted to stop him. But Garou didn't forget them, he turned around toward them, just his glare alone froze them on the spot. Garou turned toward the boy and said "Look around you ! these are your soldiers and generals, your elites ! yet they are standing helplessly in front of me. No one is going to help you, no one can. Do you know why? Because I'm strong and you are weak. A strength that doesn't truly belong to you is not a strength at all. Only if you are strong enough to win your fights on your own, then you are truly strong. Titles, tricks, plots, and politics all become useless against absolute strength."

The boy stopped struggling as he looked at the defeated look of his subjects, he looked at his prime minister, his wise advisor, was taking steps back slowly, keeping distance from him, he was obviously afraid. The boy for the first time felt he was weak, he truly was. Surrounded by his own people yet so powerless.

Garou dropped the boy and turned to Esdeath, who was mesmerised by his overbearing attitude and tyrannical words. He scowled internally at the woman's behaviour but still spoke "I'm not in the mood for sightseeing anymore, I'm going back. You know where I reside, send the prize there. I don't care who will deliver it as long as it isn't you !"

Esdeath nodded mindlessly while blushing. Garou turned around and left the place. Silence filled the air until Esdeath spoke "I'm falling for him more and more!"

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