The Present

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I always think about the saying of "Leave the past, live in the present for it is a present".
It's really scary, knowing that this moment right now, while you're reading this, that this is the present and that two minutes ago of whatever you were doing is in the past now and just a memory.

That scares me, knowing one day so many people will just be a memory and not something I can look forward too in the future to make more memories with. I'm scared of running and getting no where. With the people I love gone, where should I run?

Run where?
There's no such thing as home,
Without a person you love.
For the love is the home.

Home is something sweet
I'm scared I'll loose that all one day.
Seeing how fast time passes, it scares me

Knowing how precious the people near me actually are to me. Just yesterday was the first day I rode a bicycle. Yet that was 8 years ago. Time is fast.

I would not feel this way if forever was a thing, if time would be forever and long. I wouldn't see roses as beautiful and red, I wouldn't hear the ocean and smile, I wouldn't think about anyone or anything.

Knowing everything has a end and that the present is all you have and your only chance to not regret is, what makes it special.

The fear I hold is of waking up tomorrow with my loved ones dead, regretting not being a better child, regretting not trying to communicate more. It keeps me awake. That's why the present is so special.

It's the only time where you can make a choice that can change everything. The time where you can make sure you won't have any regrets. The time where you can feel and not feel on looking back into memories. The future is a mystery and endless possibilities caused by the present.

Yet no one understands how powerful the present is and don't think about waking up the next morning with everything gone, to try and change now before they sabatoge themselves and give themselves things to regret.

So now.
Before you create a memory,
Choose what kind you want it to be,
A painful one
Or a beautiful one

One where you can look back and feel no regret
Or one where you create your own self-hatred.

It's all in the hands of the present and yourself.
You choose your path, your emotions and your future. The future is just a repition of the cycle of making more memories, but will you only understand this once you've lost something special to you?

Waking up with the sun not feeling fresh and bright,
The same sounds you heard every morning. Yet it's so much more dead,
Because you lost something special without telling them how much you appreciate them.

The present is powerful
Your one and only chance
To change both,
Your past
And Future.

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