Love On the Ark

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Amy noticed that Shadow was getting more distant to everyone in the last few months. It seemed as time went on he was getting angrier and angrier. Amy worried for him. He wasn't like the way he used to be when they first met. He was different to when Amy got through to him. Shadow was different since the time he stopped the Biolizard from destroying Earth. I suppose after everything that's happened to him since then it would make sense that he would be different. But to the degree of change it worried her. So she decided to put down her normal responsibilities for a bit and went out to search for him.

Several days past and there was no sign of Shadow. Everywhere that Amy looked she had no luck. Not even Rouge or Omega knew of his whereabouts. Rouge didn't want to admit it but she was very worried about him. The three of them did ponder for a bit but thought of nowhere else he could be. If he isn't anywhere he would normally be on earth than where could he be. Though Amy soon after had an idea. A different place that she hadn't looked was Space Colony Ark. He was very connected to that place! He must be there! Though... how would she even get up there. With Rouge's and Omega's help of course! Being with G.U.N and all they had access to various tech. As well as aircrafts too. G.U.N had been working on a particular aircraft that could fly in space. Though it was unlikely that they would be aloud to use it. But do you think that would stop them? Of course not! Rouge and Omega caused a distraction (definitely not just Omega shooting all over the place) and Amy too off in the aircraft. 

Now did Amy really know how to use this aircraft properly? Not really. But she was determined to  find Shadow and figure out what was wrong with him so she could help. Of course she didn't know exactly what he was dealing with at the moment but she's always tried to help her friends when they needed it. Even if said friend didn't think they did. She breathed in and out as she flew up to the ark. She was still quite nervous about driving it but was somehow able to land it within the ark. After this big relief she exited the aircraft and went to search for Shadow. Now where could he be... if he was even here at all... After plenty of looking around something clicked in her head. What about the room she got him to his senses in the first place? Maybe she'd find him there again. After some trial and error she eventually did find that room. And she was right. Shadow was there. He was looking out to the stars and Earth below. Amy wasn't sure exactly what to say in the moment but Shadow spoke before she did.

"I saw you enter the ark, Rose... Why are you here?" Amy gasped slightly as she was surprised he already knew she was here. But that didn't stop her from responding.

"Nobody's known where you've been for awhile... I've been worried... and so has everyone else." Shadow scoffed at her response.

"Theres no reason to be concerned."

"Shadow you've been missing for day! Not even Rouge knew where you were. And before that you were getting distant. That seems like a valid reason for being worried." Amy walked closer to him. Shadow took a glance at her and she saw a single tear roll down his cheek. Amy's eyes widened He chuckled a bit before responding.

"Its always you that's concerned like this... always you, Rose..." He chuckled a bit more. "I've tried for so long... to just... have faith in the world... to keep my promise to her... But every day I see more and more reasons that have made me lose faith... so many humans and mobians alike... distgusting... I have tried for so long to just keep going! To keep my promise. But more and more it becomes for of a obligation... I never... get a choice..." Shadow was crying more and more as he spoke. He had no idea why he was admitting this all to her. He kept going.

"If I keep going... I'll merely become a threat again... to Earth... to G.U.N to my team... and you..." Amy now saw it clearly. He was slowly losing it with his responsibility. It was becoming an obligation to keep his promise the more and more horrible things he was witnessing. Amy of course did not leave and hugged him as he looked away. He glanced at her with surprise. Instead of saying anything he just cried for a bit. It was obvious that he was holding all of this in for a long time. He fell to his knees but Amy kept hugging him. She rubbed his head to sooth him. Eventually he stopped crying and looked right at her.

"Why is it always you who does this for me...? Why do you care so much...?" Shadow's eyes stared right into hers. She smiled and answered.

"You are my friend Shadow. One of my best. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I knew one of my friends was in trouble in any way... and I didn't help. And now more than ever I can see you need help. My help." Shadow smiled at her as she went on. "I don't know how it is to have that much responsibility... to want to keep her promise to Maria... while looking and seeing all the hate that goes on... But you don't have to do this alone. I can help you. Rouge can help you. All of your friends can help you." Shadow looked down slightly.

"I've gotten more and more bitter as time has gone on... I've treated them in a worse way do to not the stuff they've done but of what others have... Are you sure they'd help...?" Shadow looked back at her with plenty of pain still in his eyes. Amy smiled sweetly and nodded.

"Of course Shadow. And I will personally lead the charge with helping! If you uhm... want a hug just ask me. If you need a pat on the head just ask me."

"Why would I want a pat on the head...?"

"Well your pat-able to begin with." Amy blushed slightly as she didn't really know where the headpat comment came from. They both laughed about it though. Shadow seemed to be mostly okay now. He wiped away his tears and blushed as well.

"I'll take you up on those offers then." Shadow went to hug her immediately. They hugged for awhile longer. But the two of them sitting on the Ark's ground. As they separated Shadow looked into her eyes again. Now he had a odd feeling in his chest but didn't comment on it. Unknown to him though so did Amy.

"Sooo... you wanna get back to Earth now Shadow. You don't have to telling everyone how your feeling if you don't want to." Shadow snapped out of his trance as she spoke. He nodded and cleared his throat.

"I'll work my way up to telling people. But yes... we should go... Thank you, Amy..." Shadow then got up with Amy. She winked in response.

"My pleasure, Shadow."

Shadow then teleported them back to Earth.

Love On the Ark (Shadamy Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now