CHAPTER 2: Forgive and Forget {Which Leads to a Forgotten Anniversary}

Start from the beginning

"That's why Heckyl is dull as a donkey" Ivan said. All of us looked over at Heckyl as we saw that he used his hands to talk to himself. "If it would've hit Riley, he would've forgotten that he's a Ranger" Tyler said. "And they could've taken my Energem" Riley added. "This antidote should restore his memory" Shelby said as she walked over to Heckyl and sprayed him with it.

"I remember everything now, that monster stung me and all of you are Power Rangers. You brought me here, to your base" Heckyl said. "You can't tell anyone" Shelby said. "Your secret safe with me" Heckyl said. "We have to be ready for when that monster attacks again. Kanan, join us as soon as Miss Morgan finished working on your Dino Chargers" Tyler said as I nodded my head. The others left the base.



The Rangers were at the Marathon, cheering for Riley. "Drink up, you really need to hydrate" Heckyl said to Riley. "Thanks Heckyl but I got my own sports drink right here" Riley said. "See you at the first check point my man" Chase said. "Thanks" Riley said to them. "You got this, brace yourself, stay hydrated!" Tyler said as they were cheering for Riley.


The Rangers were at the first checkpoint. "Here they come" Koda said. "Coming in second place" Ivan said. "Guys...our secret weapon" Koda said to Tyler and Chase. "Run! Riley! Run!" Tyler, Chase and Koda shouted as the three of them lifted up their shirts.

Everyone took a sip of water and everyone stopped running. Riley came over to the other Rangers. "Guys, I think that everyone's losing their memories" Riley said. "The venom!" Tyler said. "It must be in the water" Shelby said as she dropped her cup onto the ground. "The water taste funny" Koda said. "Wait, what am I doing here?" Shelby questioned.

"I don't know how to ride a skateboard" Chase said. "Who is Nur?" Tyler asked. Riley had contacted Kendall with his Dino Com. "Miss Morgan, we have a problem" Riley said.

Riley took everyone's Energems back to the base.


{Keigo Takami}

After I've told Kanan the truth that I forgot our anniversary and her Dino Chargers got sorted, Riley came into the base. "Will it be enough?" Riley asked. "It's highly concentrated so me and Kanan will spray it using the Plesio Zord then she will meet you guys after. Use it right away so that the other Rangers could get their memories back. Don't give them their Energems until they know on who there are" Kendall said as she has handed me, Riley and Hizashi the antidote. "Got it" Riley said. "Let's go" I said. Me, Hizashi and Riley left the base. 


The three of us got to where the others were. "Is there a Tyler Navar-ro here? I have you wallet!" Tyler said. "We know who Tyler is" Riley said. "Here you go" Tyler said. "Keep it" Riley said. "Ok" I said as I pointed the antidote at Chase. "What is that stuff?" Chase asked. "Relax, it's cologne" I said.

"Well, in that case, go right ahead" Chase said. Me, Hizashi and Riley sprayed the antidote at the others and their memories came back. "Riley, Keigo, Hizashi, why did you three just spray us? Wait a second, I'm Tyler and this is my wallet" Tyler said. "Our memories are back now, right?" Shelby said. "Right. Good timing indeed" Ivan said. 

"My Energem!" Koda said. "It's ok" I said. "We have 'em" Riley said. The others took their Energems from us. "Now the city's water supplies is contaminated" Hizashi said. "Right now, Miss Morgan and Kanan are working on spreading the antidote with the Plesio Zord" Riley said to the others. "Well, until that happens, we're going to stop people from drinking the water" Chase said. "And keep an eye out for Stingrage. We have got to split up and find him before he does anymore damage" Shelby said. "Let's go!" Tyler said. All of us split up as we went in different directions.