Chapter Fourteen

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    The action movie was lit. It was entertaining, had steamy romance scenes, the dialogue was witty and realistic, and the plot was engaging. Austin's staff had provided them with snacks, libations, and the blanket that he'd requested. He'd promptly wrapped the blanket around her, then resumed watching the movie.

    Crystal couldn't remember the last time she'd enjoyed a movie quite this much.

    After it was over, Austin grabbed the remote and reclined in his chair. He toggled between other movies, causing Crystal to arch an eyebrow at him. "Another one?"

    "Why not, Khaled Jr.?" he joked, continuing to toggle between movies. He paused on a selection that starred Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman, touching the remote control to his lips.

    She slanted a look at him. "You're not seriously considering watching this movie."

    "Do you have something against this movie?"

    "No, just...I wouldn't think you'd want to watch something like this."

    "It's a hilarious movie."

    "So you've already seen it."

    He grinned at her. "I've already seen it, yes."

    "So have I. We should watch something else."

    "What if I want to see it again?"

    "Did you like it that much?"

    Shrugging, he ran his thumb over the remote control buttons. "We're watching it."

    She rolled her eyes as he cued up the film. "Nigga, you are not slick," she muttered.

    He laughed. "Slick? You think I'm up to something?"

    "Are you denying being up to something?"

    "Just trying to watch a good movie with good company."

    "Uh huh." Twenty minutes into the movie, she was relaxed in her chair, fidgeting with the sleeves of the long sweater Austin had provided her with. There were several reasons why she shouldn't be watching this kind of movie with him, starting with how attractive he was physically and how charming he tended to be, when there was something he wanted. His playful brand of flirting was also a problem, and for some reason whenever he called her out on her shit, it piqued her interest. I don't want to be interested in him, though, she thought stubbornly. He's just another industry douchebag who sleeps with everything walking. Getting involved with him in any way would be a mistake.

    He glanced at her and smiled. The smile was boyish and gorgeous, but it was also brief. Before she had a chance to react, his eyes turned back to the projection screen and he continued watching the movie, occasionally raising a glass of champagne to his lips.

    Seeing him drink reminded her of the glass resting in her cup holder, which she grabbed immediately and nursed while watching the movie.

    The male and female lead in the movie discussed the conditions of their no-strings attached arrangement as casually as they were discussing the contents of that morning's newspaper. Throughout the entire scene, Austin kept sneaking glances at her.

    Is he checking for my reaction? Why does he keep looking at me like that?

    He shifted in his seat and his thigh brushed against hers. The first time it had happened, a constellation of goosebumps had arisen on her arms. Thankfully, her arms were covered by his sweater, but she could feel the rising along her forearms. This time, she found herself pressing her thigh back against his while sipping her rum and Coke. He responded by pressing his thigh back against hers. "That's not even realistic," he said, gesturing towards the screen.

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