Pennywise x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Okie dokie."

I relaxed against the tree and watched as he attempted to climb up. This gave me time to think about the clown in the sewer. Why was he down there? How was he able to pull a whole human into the sewer? That reminded me of the grotesque sounds I was unfortunate enough to hear. He was surely dead, the clown killed him.

I got chills down my spine and I held onto the branches tighter, now looking down. The boy was only halfway to me... I looked towards the massive pipe and saw two glowing eyes far inside. I hated red eyes in the dark. That scared me.

"If you don't fucking leave that thing will probably kill you," I warned the boys.

Trust me, I hate them as much as you do but I'd rather they get loads of jail time and time outs than to watch them get mutilated or torn to pieces. I had my morals.

"What?" He looked shocked at the warning.

I pointed towards the pipe and their eyes followed. The boy almost fell off the branch while the other stood frozen.

"Run, you idiot!" I yelled.

The boy standing before the tree ran, but doing so he alerted the creature in the pipe that then followed after him so quickly I could only see a blur of white and speckles of red.

While that happened the boy who was already on the tree forgot about trying to hurt me and his only mindset was getting higher up. Instead of a teenage bully I now saw the fear of a little boy who thought his life was over, who now regretted everything. It was sad and sickening to see.

"I don't wanna die," his eyes watered as he climbed up higher. Even higher than me, completely ignoring the fact that he was so far off the ground he would be the last to die.

The blur of white and red returned at the foot of the tree. It was the same clown. But holy shit was he tall and creepy. He was staring at me as I did the same at him. Instead my eyebrows were knitted as I tried to figure him out, I was indeed scared but my face was a different story.

The clown was now climbing at an inhumane speed and he was about to pass me until I stopped him.

"Get the fuck over here," I called.

The clown thing growled in annoyance and dropped from above to a branch across from me with a dazed look.

"What?" He snapped, grinning at my reactions.

"How about we call it a day?" I flashed a fake smile at the thing, "You leave and go back to your little home, I think you've killed enough today."

He looked offended by my response. It was amusing and yet scary.


He grabbed a branch but before he could climb towards the shaken boy way above I tried to grab the collar of his outfit but ended up grabbing the ruffles instead. Eh, works anyways. I yanked his face towards mine.

"I know it sounded like a question," I sneered, "but it wasn't."

The clown laughed as he grabbed the collar of my shirt and held me off the tree, I grabbed onto his arm because if he dropped me I would fall to my death.

"Cutie pie thinks their alllllll that and more," he cackled, "I'm bored. What else is a poor clown to do?"

"I'll give you a challenge."

The clown stopped laughing, the smile still on his face as he locked eyes with mine, it was unsettling. It appeared that I had piqued his interest.

"A challenge?" He teased, "Ooh, and what kind of challenge could you muster up?"

"I... uh..."

He lowered me a bit to get an answer out of me quicker, impatient and obviously bored.

"You have to be able to live with me for a month without killing OR hurting me," I spoke quickly.

He pondered it for awhile, not thrilled with the idea but bored enough to consider it.

"And when would this start, doll?" He cocked his head to the side.


He growled in annoyance, wanting to finish off the last boy above us.

"Fine..." he pulled me closer so I could get some footing on the branch, no longer hanging, "you have a deal."

"Okay, now let me go."

  He let me go and I almost fell off the tree branch. He laughed at me before scooping me with one arm and someone dropping gracefully to the ground. It felt like one of those drop towers and I was stunned for a bit. Apparently it was also amusing to the clown as he laughed before setting me down.

"So..." I awkwardl'y started, "What should I call you?"

"I'm Pennywise the Dancing clown," he grinned, throwing his hands to the side and adding jazz hands.

"Um... that's a bit of a mouthful," I said, "I'll just call you Penny. And I'm-"

"I already know your name, Y/N."

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