Chapter 2 Crusch & Her Negotiation

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The axe Y/N possessed certainly looked unique. It's head was long with a long beard that made it as a whole take up about half of the length of the shaft it was on. The shaft had a pointed metal tip.

The axe seemed to be made of gold, both the head and shaft. The head as two lines of blue just behind the blade.

He swung it with enough force to easily sever an arm and possibly chop someone in half, however I easily blocked it

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He swung it with enough force to easily sever an arm and possibly chop someone in half, however I easily blocked it.

After blocking the axe I quickly moved my sword upwards and threw him off balance before I hit him in the side with the sheathed blade.

Judging by the fact he fell tumbled left a few feet away I think I hit him with too much force, again. I have been trying my best to hold back.

"Fuck." I heard him mutter as he got up grimancing a little as he touched where I hit.

"Sorry, I have been trying to hold back." I apologized to him.

He waved it off, "Look on the bright side, continue like this not only will my endurance get better, but getting hit by others will feel like a breeze."

"Maybe we should call it here, I don't want Lady Karsten thinking I abuse my apprentice." I told him as I looked at his body that had five bruises.

Two on his ribs, one on the side the other in the middle. Two on his left arm while his right forearm had one.

My eyes trailed to his right arm, it had strange red marking on it in the shape of lines. The strange part of it was the faint hum of mana it had, however when I asked him about it he shrugged saying it was just there and he never had a problem with it.

Its not hurting him it seemed. But it still may be of concern nonetheless.

"So you admit it." Y/N said with a teasing grin.

I sighed, "Maybe introducing you to Felix was a bad idea."

"Nyope." Y/N decided with a grin.

Atleast he was feeling more comfortable around me. Most people are intimadated about my title and power and keep away. While most who stick around are usually respectful. Their are a few who are exceptions like Y/N, but none were quite as... laidback as him.

"Maybe seeing Felix is a good idea." I heard Y/N mutter.

Of course like a good friend I used this oppertunity to mess with him, "Oh, wanting to see him already?"

Y/N looked at me suprsied and with a light blush, "Hey I am into females!"

"Things change for everyone." I told him patting his shoulder.

He stuttered out something as I laughed. He huffed and crossed his arms, "Since when did you get a sense of humor?"

"I always had one." I told him rolling my eyes.

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