meet my family!!

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Me and rantaro were just shopping until we bumped into someone..
My parents- and siblings-
My parents izuru or hajime whatever you wanna call him and nagito-
They had my siblings with them,
Monaca,jataro,kotoko,masaru,and nagisa.

Nagito:kokichi!! Hi how are you??
Kokichi:uh hi- uh im good
Hajime glared at rantaro
Hajime:is this your boyfriend? WAIT I KNOW THAT SMUG LOOK..
rantaro:heyyy long time no see
Hajime:i told you not to date hippies and i think he still smokes
Kokichi:just because he looks hippie doesnt mean he is one! And he doesnt smoke- YOU KNOW WHO DOES THO? KAEDE, THE GIRLYOU HOOKED ME UP WITH IN 8TH GRADE.
Hajime:okay lets just g-
Nagito:whay if you and ur boyfriends come over?
Nagito:dear, your opinion doesnt matter^^
Hajime:i wanna punch you.
Nagito:ah i love the hope in your eyes<3
Kokichi:sure! I'll tell shuichi to go-

Time skip to 10 pm

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