Ch. 33

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I got this secret message to come to my house which was really sketchy but I decided to not tell my friends about it yet

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I got this secret message to come to my house which was really sketchy but I decided to not tell my friends about it yet.

"Guys I'll catch up with you, okay." "Hey, you alright?" JJ asked and I nodded "Yeah, I'm okay. I texted Mrs. Lana to tell her I was keeping a low profile but she just needs me right now. I'll be okay." I smiled grabbing JJ's hand and kissed his cheek then took my bike to my house I saw no one so I cautiously opened the door. "What the hell?" I went inside and saw my dad.

"Dad? Wha- your alive!" I ran into his arms Hugging him tightly, his chin rested on the top of my head as I didn't want to let go "How are you here? I saw you were dead?" I questioned letting go "I'm sorry I had to fake my death, I needed to make ...

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"Dad? Wha- your alive!" I ran into his arms Hugging him tightly, his chin rested on the top of my head as I didn't want to let go "How are you here? I saw you were dead?" I questioned letting go "I'm sorry I had to fake my death, I needed to make sure people knew I was dead." He said and I shook my head "I thought Ward killed you but he told me he didn't, I didn't want to believe him." I told him and he sighed "No, it was some guy who worked for the company who loaned me the money but Ward lost it and they thought I did, Miracle they didn't hit anything major but your grandfather took a bad hit and I'm sorry I didn't get in touch with you anytime sooner." My dad said and I pulled away "I've been through hell and back, Ward framed John B and he went to jail because of him. Rafe took me to the Bahamas and I accidentally got shot." I told him and he sighed "Oh Sweetheart." He pulled me into a hug and he held my head to check my wound.

"Did Rafe do that?" He questioned and I nodded "He jumped me and Sarah, we were waiting for Wheezie but he came instead. I fell and hit my head then fell in the water. But Topper made it in time to save Sarah and me, well he had to perform CPR to save my life." I told him and he sighed in relief "That's good that Topper was there... how are your friends? And John B?" He asked and I sighed "They're good, John B's good as he can be. Pope and Kiara are together but having problems, Sarah is dealing with her messed up family and JJ..." I stopped and thought of him, I smiled and looked up at my dad

"And JJ?"

"And JJ's amazing, he has really been there for me, we've had our ups and downs but JJ's been there for me more than anyone else has. It's different when I'm with JJ, it feels like home." I said with tears in my eyes and my dad smiled "That's what love is. You know when I married your mom, I felt like she was the only one and there's no one else I wanted to be with." He told me and I smiled but I couldn't help but think of Rafe, if it wasn't for his father he'd be better.

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