♡ photographer + bubbly s/o hcs . ˚⊹꒷

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🪻— warnings ୧・slightly rushed (attempted to beat the 'not posting tonight' allegations).

꒰⚔️꒱・  Joseph   certainly would've never expected to find somebody as bright as you residing within the accursed Oletus Manor

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꒰⚔️꒱・ Joseph certainly would've never expected to find somebody as bright as you residing within the accursed Oletus Manor. Or, at the very least, somebody who was able to stay so bright even after discovering the true, disturbing nature of the game. Most others had been quick to fall into a state of despair ꒰even if temporary꒱ after coming to such a morbid realization, and while Joseph wasn't taken too far aback by such knowledge—having had a hidden dark-side of his own—the repetitiveness of it did eventually manage to get to him. So seeing you, all optimistic and cheery, continuing to hold out hope for something better... for freedom ... it ignited a spark of hope within him, shocking as it was.

꒰⚔️꒱・Truthfully, he really does admire your positive outlook on life, a sentiment that's heightened if you've had a particularly difficult past. It's easy to say that the manor's appeal usually does arise from the desire to have a new life, something that—in its own, twisted way—does come true. This ability of yours to stay so kind, despite the hardships you've faced both in and outside of the manor, is one that he respects— especially knowing that such a thing couldn't be true for himself.

꒰⚔️꒱・I imagine that Joseph would very much enjoy flustering you. There's something so utterly interesting to him about the way that your normally loud demeanor vanishes whenever he flirts with you, instead replaced by a blushing, stammering mess. Much to your dismay, this task is one that proves to be relatively easy for the photographer, too—his previous life having required him to know how to charm people. After all, it's much easier to find willing models when you know how to flatter them, no? But, of course, he means every word he tells you .

꒰⚔️꒱・As an extension of this, he also enjoys teasing you whenever you become flustered by his gestures of affection. Your reactions are just so... so adorable , really—he just can't help but want to see the way you attempt to hide your reddened cheeks! He might even pinch them, too, assuming that he's feeling especially playful. However, as much as he relishes in riling you up, he's also quite good at understanding when he's crossing the line—and he'll be quick to stop himself if he notices that he's taking things too far.

꒰⚔️꒱・I'll be honest, you've dragged him onto the roller-coaster at Moonlit River Park at some point. He's never really been the type to enjoy the circus—his status as a Count does place certain expectations on his shoulders, ones that he's been taught since birth to uphold—so let me tell you... That ride absolutely broke him. While he would've attempted to maintain his composure at the beginning, he'd end up screaming his lungs out for a majority of the ride, hitting notes higher than you'd thought possible on the loop and cursing out a mix of both English and French loud enough for your teammates to hear.

꒰⚔️꒱・The poor man wasn't even able to get out of the cart by the time that hellish experience was over, entire body trembling like a leaf during a hurricane as you attempted to pull him out. You were genuinely worried that he would've collapsed right then and there, and he had to brace himself against one of the metal posts at the coaster's final station as he surrendered. Joseph would later make an attempt to keep the news of his embarrassing reactions under wrap, though Freddy wasted no time in informing your fellow survivors about the events of the match. I... wouldn't be too shocked when he uses that map to reach his quota of serious games against you.

꒰⚔️꒱・He'd rather be damned than allow anybody to destroy your cheerful personality, an attitude that applies to both the other survivors and his fellow hunters. For the most part, any sort of rudeness directed towards you isn't something that he'll address in the moment, instead preferring to watch from the sidelines and comfort you once they've left. Once your spirits have been restored, however, and he parts ways with you... his response becomes much different.

꒰⚔️꒱・Say what you want about him, but Joseph feels absolutely zero shame in targeting a survivor until they decide to apologize to you, and most other hunters already know that it's a bad idea to try and go head-to-head with a trained ꒰and highly skilled ꒱ fencer. He does take quite good care in maintaining his rapier, after all.

꒰⚔️꒱・He'll always encourage you to express yourself, even when you aren't necessarily feeling all that positive about your current living situation. While he certainly does know that your positivity is a part of you, he also knows that it's incredibly unhealthy for one to live life whilst not allowing themselves to express any sort of negative emotion. If you'd like to rant to him about something, or if you just feel like moping, then he'll be glad to lend you an ear. Can't have you bottling your feelings up, now can he? Especially not when he adores hearing that delightful voice of yours.

꒰⚔️꒱・Although he loves you, and is eternally grateful that you'd decided to accept the baron's invitation—Joseph just can't help but find it downright cruel that somebody as wonderful as you ended up stuck within such a horrible place. It's a terrible twist of fate, in his eyes, that you're forced to suffer through these games—possibly even for the rest of your life , seeing the ever growing amount of residents within the manor. This isn't something that he talks about often, though he longs for nothing more than a life where the both of you could've met outside of Oletus' doomed walls, regardless of how unlikely such a thing would be.

꒰⚔️꒱・In any case, it's an idle fantasy that his mind simply can't help but wander to every now and then—more so whenever the night approaches. His desire to cuddle with you often leads him to share your bed, thoughts often drifting to you as he holds your sleeping form in his arms. His dreams grant him no reprieve from such reveries, either, thoughts of a peaceful life with you plaguing his slumber.

꒰⚔️꒱・How lovely it would be, in some sort of other life, to be back within his own manor—waking up in his room with you beside him, living blissfully without ever having to come in contact with the baron. The both of you could travel the town—country, even —if you wished, strolling around like one of those couples in his favorite paintings. Oh, if only there were a way to escape...

🪻— adi moment ୧・an anon request from my tumblr! must say, i'm a big fan of joseph's beautiful gorgeous nature! apologies for those that don't have the hyacinth emoji available ꒰my laptop included꒱—i promise that this looks good on supported devices

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🪻— adi moment ୧・an anon request from my tumblr! must say, i'm a big fan of joseph's beautiful gorgeous nature! apologies for those that don't have the hyacinth emoji available ꒰my laptop included꒱—i promise that this looks good on supported devices. still, i really loved this prompt, and i hope you enjoy! ꒰ ' ˘ '꒱

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