"Well it's been pretty good, things are working out perfectly, he still worries about me but he stopped walking on eggshells. Actually we finally slept together" he said and a little smiled popped up.

"You did? And how was it? Was it good? I mean he looks like it good" he laughs.

"Yeah it was" he smiled as his cheeks turned a pinkish red "It was amazing" he added.

"I'm glad that you're happy?" He smiled.

"It's just a little weird you know, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, like I have this feeling that something else is coming but I just don't know what it is" he looked at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well a long time ago I was doing some research on his past, and I know that his past it's not pretty, I've always known it but..." he said and stop for a moment.

"But?" He looked at him.

"I think that his husband is alive" said Felix and Seungmin looked at him confused.

"What?" He said surprised "Why would you think that?" He looked at him.

"Well I was investigating and after he was supposedly killed in Changbin arm his body was taken away, and on his funeral the casket was never open" he said.

"Yeah because he was hurt so badly that his family couldn't bear to see him like that" said Seungmin.

"His engagement ring was missing, Changbin never found it, he only found the wedding band" said Felix.

"Felix that doesn't mean anything" said Seungmin.

"Minho knew him, he attended the funeral, and he always said that Lei wasn't there, that he was alive" said Felix.

"Felix" said Seungmin.

" I know that may sound crazy" he said.

" You think?" He looked at him.

"But it's a possibility" he said.

"What are you talking about?" Said Seungmin.

"Eunwoo" said Felix.

"Wait what? What does he has to do with any of this?" Said Seungmin confused and Felix took out his phone to show him a picture of "This is Lei, and this is Eunwoo with him, think about it, why after so long Eunwoo would come close to me only to hurt me" said Felix.

"Lix that doesn't mean..." he looked at him "Why would Lei try to hurt you?" He asked.

"Because I'm with Changbin" said Felix "Changbin was his husband" he added.

"That doesn't make sense, Felix if he is actually alive that means that he left Changbin and pretended to be dead, so why would he do it if he left him" said Seungmin.

"That's what I haven't figured out" said Felix.

"Felix this is crazy" said Seungmin.

But was it really crazy? Or was it all just a coincidence. Felix knew that something was happening and he kept having the feeling that something worse was coming. He wanted to believe that it was all okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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