4: Ten Galleons

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(4th of September) It's the first day and I'm late. Pansy didn't wake me like I asked her too, and class starts in five minutes. I'll be lucky to make it on time. The hallways are brimmed with people in the same situation as me, however they are all 11 and I'm 16. First lesson is potions, a nice way to kick off Monday morning. Me and Slughorn have some kind of ongoing rivalry. He definitely prefers my brother, for starters. I've also never shown a huge amount of interest in his lesson. Guess I'll never be part of the 'Slug Club'.

I open the door to potions just as Slughorn opens his mouth to speak.

"Miss Diggory, you are late."

"I'm fully aware Sir." I reply as I walk into the classroom. The people around me laugh quietly.

"It's the first day, I'll let you off. Don't let it happen again." He pauses and looks around for my seat. "You are sat here with Berkshire.'

Its a relief to see I'm not sat with Hermione this year, last year she did every group project on her own, I ended up joining Enzo and Cho for most of them. Conveniently at the end of the year, I happened to give her slight poisoning. I know it wouldn't make up for how she split up Ron and Pansy, but I definitely enjoyed it. I see her sat at a table on her own, probably per her own request. However I am surprised I am sat with Enzo, as Slughorn knows we are close friends. However I look around and everyone seems to be sat with somebody they like, perhaps he is getting nicer now.

I slump down next to Enzo, pulling out my potions textbook and letting my bag hit the floor beside me. He wont stop talking. He never does really. Apparently the sheer size of his dorm room is so huge that he can't think of anything else. I'm pretending to look interested but honestly I cant focus on anything right now. I get like this sometimes, I'm beginning to think my family interactions are what triggers it. I need to make an effort to pull myself together.

"I'm telling you Ev, its massive."

"I'm not doubting it Enzo, my dorm is pretty big too."

"I let Mattheo have the bed by the window, I'd rather be next to the wall.

That sparked an interest in me. "You are sharing with Mattheo?" I ask, trying hard not to sound intrigued.

"Yeah I am, he is cool, don't tell him I said that. He's kind of popular material, you know a real fuckboy.

"Like we need anymore of those in our group." I roll my eyes sarcastically.

"He is different kind of fuckboy, like he comes across as a fuckboy, but I don't think he is one."

Enzo is starting to loose me again so I put my head on my arms and try harder to listen to whatever the fuck Slughorn is talking about now. His holiday to Amsterdam no doubt. I shine my eyes around the class. Hermione is deep in her textbook, usual. Draco is sleeping. This year he is sat with Astoria. She's rambling at him and he's not responding. Astoria has always had a crush on him and he's getting tired of turning her down. Mattheo is looking at me, until I make eye contact. He definitely doesn't want to be the first one to break it, and neither do I. Then Slughorn walks in front of him and I lose sight. Pansy and Theo are sat together at the back. Pansy is giggling and swinging on her chair and Theo has his head in his hands, also laughing.

"10 galleons they are together by Christmas." Enzo says beside me.

"10 galleons, by the end of term."


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