16: Pay Attention

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(30th of October) Here we go again, period one, Slughorn, potions. What a welcoming Monday morning. I feel like I don't have any other lesson ever, that this one rules my life. Enzo is here today, so I have someone to entertain besides myself, if not then I know he will fill all the silences by splurging information at me. We are supposed to be recreating what we made on Thursday, yet this time its to be from memory. This definitely isn't good as I can barely remember anything, and Enzo wasn't here. Basically I'm fucked. Slughorn's gonna love this.

I whip out my textbook once we start, and place it in front me of me.

"Wow what a cheater." Enzo says.

I laugh at him, panic reading as much as I can before Slughorn appears in front of my desk.

"Books away Miss Diggory." He says in a patronising voice.

"Yeah yeah." I reply, not moving my eyes away the book.

"It's a simple potion Miss Diggory." He says, pulling the book out from underneath me.

"Thanks for you help" I say quietly.

"Maybe if you paid the slightest bit of attention in my class then you would know what your doing." Its only half nine in the fucking morning and he's already coming for me.

"If you weren't so unbearably boring." I mutter, making Enzo laugh. Slughorn turns and walks away with my textbook in his hand. I continue with what I can remember, which isn't a lot. I know most of the main ingredients, however the measurements are completely lost on me. The potion ends up green.


"What?" Enzo replies.

"It was red last time."

"You are worse at potions than I am."

"Shut up or I'll make you drink it." I laugh at him.

Slughorn appears again, and begins to peer down into my cauldron. A look of disappointment comes across his face. "Well that's not correct is it Miss Diggory?"

"Thanks for your input Sir."

"It is supposed to be red, and yours is bright green."

"I am aware of it's colour, Sir."

He pauses, then looks up at me again before turning around and clearing his throat. "Can anyone please tell me why Miss Diggory's potion is bright green?" What is his fucking issue, why does he feel the need to involve the entire class over the fact I can't remember what happened in his class 4 days ago?

Granger's hand shoots up. I throw Pansy a bored look and she rolls her eyes, then starts mimicking Hermione as she talks. "She added too much Motherwort Sir."

"Correct Miss Granger, 5 points to Gryffindor." He turns back towards me. "What is the correct amount to put in?"

"Well if I didn't know 2 minutes ago, how am I supposed to know now?" I reply, I'm getting extremely bored.

He pauses. "Perhaps you would like to take a moment outside?"

"Excuse me?" I reply, beginning to laugh because this situation is becoming too lost on me.

"Please step out of my class a second Miss Diggory, I'd like to have a word with you."

"What, because I can't remember the exact measurement of a wort we used in a potion, last Thursday?" I'm becoming impatient now.

"You can't remember because you weren't paying attention."

"No, because you wont give me a fucking chance to figure it out." Everyone is silent now.

"Outside, now, Miss Diggory."

I pick up my bag and I leave. As soon as I'm outside I immediately walk away. I don't want to stand there and let him bitch and moan at me. Obviously I'm not trying my hardest, but he's always had something against me. Maybe its because I'm not perfect like Hermione Granger or my stupid brother. I head for the library, to avoid being caught skipping the end of the lesson.

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