Chapter 7 Part 1: Bad News

Start from the beginning

Tom saw that Priscilla was looking him up and down and when her eyes met his, she winked at him and it made him blush.

Priscilla: you're so cute Tommy.

Tom: uhh... thanks, shall we get going ?

Priscilla smiled and she locked her door and then turned back around to face Tom.

Priscilla: lead the way handsome.

Tom and Priscilla walked over to his AMG C63S Mercedes and he opened the passenger door for Priscilla and she thanked him and she sat in the passenger seat and he closed the door and went over to the driver's side and got in his car and headed out to their first destination which was a café to have something to eat before their next destination.

After leaving the café, they both got back into Tom's car and headed to a roller skating rink.

When they arrived at the rink, they went inside and got ready and put the roller skates on and when they got onto the rink, they held each other's hands and and started skating.

While they were skating around the rink, Tom and Priscilla were both laughing and having a great time together so far.

Priscilla: I'm having such a great time with you Tommy.

Tom: I'm having a great time too.

Hearing this made Priscilla smile and she lightly rested her head on his arm as they continued to tolerate skate on the rink for a little bit longer and then they left.

Their date day went by quickly as they were having a lot of fun with each other and currently, they were at a stand up comedy show and as the show was going on, Priscilla looked over at Tom who was laughing and as she was looking at him, she was really starting to notice how cute she thought he looked when he was smiling or laughing.
She loved how he laughed and she absolutely loves his smile and it was there, in that moment that she realised that her feelings for Tom were far stronger than she originally thought, she was falling in love with him and she knew it and she welcomed it.

After the comedy show, Tom and Priscilla headed back to Tom's place as he told her that he wanted to cook for her and while they were eating, they were talking about random stuff that didn't even matter to either of them and while they were still talking, Tom had started to realise that they had both just been sitting there for longer than they needed to as they had finished eating their meal.
Tom was sat at the table and while he was listening to what Priscilla was talking about, resting his chin on his hand and a smile crept across his face, he didn't realise that he was smiling but Priscilla certainly did and she decided to tease him about it a little bit.

Priscilla: what are you thinking in that adorable head of yours hmmm ?

Tom: huh ?

Priscilla: are you thinking about me ?

Priscilla playfully raised an eyebrow as she reached for his hand and she lightly trailed her fingers across his hand and laced her fingers with his.

Priscilla giggled as she saw that Tom was blushing and tripping over his words.

Priscilla: haha, it's fun seeing you get all flustered and tripping over your words, and cute.

Tom: oh right, ummmm... okay then, shall we go chill and watch a movie for a little bit ?

Priscilla nodded and smiled at Tom.

Priscilla: lead the way cutie.

Priscilla followed Tom over to the couch and while she was walking behind him, she was watching him and she smiled giggled quietly to herself as she thought to herself "I love him, but how do I tell him without scaring him away ?"

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