The leaves were dark against the slowly lightening sky, the air chilly, nipping at the exposed ears and fingers. In his excitement, he hadn't bothered to check the temperature before they left his apartment, and his oversized zip-up could only do so much . So, he found himself leaning into Owen as they walked, his arms wrapping around the one Owen was using to hold his hand.

Owen simply hummed at the action, his free hand coming up to pat his head. "Are you cold?" he asked.

"A little," Vinny admitted, smooshing his cheek against Owen's shoulder. They had to slow their pace, but they were still able to walk without stumbling, and for that Vinny was grateful. He could only imagine how embarrassed he would feel if he tripped the both of them. His cheeks burned at the thought, and he loosened his hold on the other as a precaution.

"We're almost there," Owen said, pausing their walk to slip Vinny's hood up over his head. "There." He grinned, his dimple on full show for only a moment before he was turning away and leading a stunned Vinny to their destination.

It was little more than a stand, like the lemonade stand that he had frequented one summer in his childhood, but set up in a small shed-like structure made up of white-painted wood and sheet metal. "Coffee and Tea" was written in black, loopy script on the sign over the large window, where a sleepy but happy-looking middle-aged woman was watching them approach.

"Good morning," she called out to them when they were just a few feet away.

"Morning!" Vinny chirped back, latching back onto Owen's arm once they reached the woman, reading over the menu hanging along the back wall. One in particular caught his attention, and he bounced in his excitement.

Owen chuckled, squeezing Vinny's hand lightly. "Something sound good?"

He nodded his head with enthusiasm, his hair bouncing with the movement, fringe falling over his forehead to attempt to tangle with his lashes. Owen chuckled again, brushing the hair out of Vinny's eyes before turning to the waiting woman.

"Order whenever you're ready," she said with a smile. Her brown eyes were warm, crinkled at the corners, and Vinny couldn't help but smile back.

"Can I get a turtle mocha? Blended, please."

"Okay," the woman nodded, putting the order into the small tablet in front of her. "And for you?" She asked, looking over to Owen.

"Just an iced americano for me, thank you." Owen replied, reaching into the back pocket of his jeans for his wallet and grabbing out his card. He paused, gazing down at the plastic in his hand, and sighed, tucking it away again.

Vinny watched him do this, and was already reaching into his own pocket before Owen could turn to him. He fumbled with his card, using his non-dominant hand to swipe it through the reader. He pressed a quick kiss to Owen's shoulder as he tucked his wallet away, leaning into him as he watched their coffees being made.

Owen sighed again, freeing himself of Vinny's grasp to turn around and wrap his arms around Vinny's shoulders, chin resting on the top of Vinny's head. "I need to find a job," he mumbled.

"We can do that today," Vinny suggested. "I could even ask Roe if you can work a few shifts until you find one."

Owen hummed, rubbing his chin against Vinny's soft hair. "No offense, but I don't think I could work with you."

Vinny could hear the smile in Owen's voice, and he reveled in the warmth that brought to his chest. Stepping back from the other, he schooled his face into one of mock upset. "And why not? I'm an absolute joy to work with." He playfully pouted, arms folding over his chest.

Chuckling, Owen dropped his arms from around Vinny and linked their hands together once again. "You're just so fucking cute I wouldn't be able to focus." He said it casually, watching the woman walk over with their finished drinks.

All Vinny could do was gape at him, cheeks red, and watch as Owen grabbed the little two-cup carrier with their drinks, thanked the woman, and turned back to him. Owen didn't respond, didn't even laugh at his no doubt ridiculous expression. Instead, Owen tightened his hold on Vinny's hand and led him further into the park.

The two enjoyed the park, walking around until the sun came to rest fully in the sky and their respective drinks were fully consumed. Vinny felt light, lighter than he could ever remember feeling. Sure he had yet to do the one big thing he wanted to do by the end of the summer, but being with Owen, spending time with him, enjoying himself without any kind of expectation. He was so, so, so happy.

He took his time staring at the man walking beside him, taking in his dark hair and tan skin. Sharp jaw, long dark lashes. Beautiful. He was so damn beautiful. Gorgeous, inside and out. How did he get so lucky as to get this man's attention?

As he stared, he noticed that delightful dimple making itself known. Vinny knew he was caught staring, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. In fact, the only reason he looked away was because he scuffed the toe of his shoe and stumbled forward a step. He giggled, gripping onto Owen's arm, leaning into him to hide his face in his shoulder.

"You know," Owen said, chest shaking with a chuckle. "That likely wouldn't have happened if you weren't staring at me."

Vinny shrugged, taking a half-step away so that they could continue their walk without any more incidents. He hummed, but didn't answer him. Instead, he breathed in the morning air, took in the clouds against the blue, blue sky, and smiled. "You make me happy," he finally said, linking their hands together. Now, his cheeks went red and his teeth nibbled at his bottom lip.

"Well, that's a relief," Owen said, squeezing Vinny's hand lightly. "Cause you make me happy, too."

Vinny couldn't stop the grin from coming, nor could he stop the growing color in his cheeks as he pulled Owen to a stop and threw his arms around his waist. Owen laughed, hand rubbing up and down Vinny's back before ruffling his hair. His hand rested there, his eyes darting around Vinny's face, flickering down to rest briefly on his parted, smiling lips.

Vinny felt his heart speed up in his chest, blood rushing to his cheeks as he watched the tips of Owen's ears go pink. "What?" he asked, shifting lightly on his feet.

Owen's face was soft, and his hands came up to cup Vinny's face. "Can I kiss you?"

Vinny couldn't speak, couldn't breathe. He could only nod his head and watch, wide eyed, as Owen's lashes fluttered down and his face moved closer. Their noses brushed together, breathes mingling, and Vinny's eyes closed just in time to feel the pressure of Owen's lips pressing against his own.

Owen's thumb brushing over Vinny's cheekbone lightly, eliciting a small giggle as they leaned away. "You're so goddamn cute," Owen murmured, brushing their noses together once again before straightening back to full height. He tangled their fingers together once more as he turned to continue their walk. "Let's go get some breakfast, hmm?"

Vinny simply nodded, unable to speak through the pure joy rushing through his system. His stomach felt all bubbly and his cheeks hurt from the stupidly large grin that refused to leave his face and he was sure he looked like a tomato, but he just couldn't find it in himself to care. Owen kissed him. He freaking kissed him!

He was on cloud nine, the highest he had ever been, and he wanted to ride the feeling as long as he could.

(word count: 1994)

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