christmas special

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(this takes place at least a year after any events to take place within this story)

Vinny groaned for what felt like the thousandth time in the last hour, his head falling to rest on the textbook on the coffee table in front of him. Sure, it was a holiday break and he didn't have any classes, but he was still studying. He had been wanting to learn some new photography techniques, but with work and school, he hadn't had the time to really study any of them. He should have just made his major photography instead of queer studies, that way he would actually have the time to work on his hobby. Or even made it his minor, but no. He didn't want to make it something he did for assignments, afraid that it would make his favorite thing in the world seem more like a chore.

He groaned again, pushing the book off the table and standing from the floor, dusting imaginary dirt from his thighs. It was Christmas, for goodness sake, he shouldn't be sitting and studying. He should be relaxing or having fun with his family. He paused in his walk to his bedroom, leaning his shoulder against the wall of his hallway. He couldn't say he didn't miss his mom. As much as she was controlling, she was still a really large part of his life and who he grew up to be. He enjoyed the freedom, but sometimes he missed her.

At that moment, he missed their Christmas tradition. Decorating the tree together, eating good food, drinking hot chocolate while watching videos that she had managed to take of him growing up. She worked a lot, but she always made sure to have Christmas off, and she would spend days prepping what they would eat.

He should have asked if Owen wanted to do anything, he mused, flopping down onto his bed. The blankets were twisted up and lumped uncomfortably under his belly from him not having made it up after getting up, but he didn't bother moving. Instead, he turned on his side and bunched the comforter up in his arms, snuggling into the comfortable fabric.

He was just getting comfotable, his mattress conforming to the shape of his body just so that he sunk right in, when his doorbell rang. A whine slipped from his lips and he hugged his blanket tighter against him before he huffed and forced himself to stand from his bed and walk to the door.

A confused frown settled on his face when he pulled the door open. "Owen?"

"Hey," Owen said, grinning. He was dressed in a sweater and black joggers, a large, heavy-looking bag hanging from his clasped hands. "Merry Christmas!"

"I - oh," Vinny mumbled, stepping back to let him step into the apartment. "Merry Christmas."

Owen chuckled as he walked in, kicking his shoes off before walking to the kitchen to settle the large bag on the counter. "You sure sound happy to see me," he joked, glancing at the red-haired boy over his shoulder as he pulled the zipper open.

Vinny's face flushed red and he pouted, arms coming up to fold over his chest. "Of course I'm happy to see you," he whined, letting the door close and walking into the kitchen behind his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around one of Owen's arms, looking up at him with wide eys. "I was just surprised."

"I know." Owen chuckled, dipping his head down to leave a soft kiss on his forehead. "Did I wake you up?" He asked, running his fingers through the mass of red hair, smiling as Vinny's eyes fluttered closed.

"No. I just was laying down."

Humming, Owen dropped another kiss to Vinny's head before extracting his arm from his grasp. "Go sit on the couch and find something to watch, hmm? I'll be over after I get this–" he gestured toward the thermal bag– "sorted."

Vinny's head tilted, eyes wide and sparkling with curiosity, but he did as his boyfriend suggested, going into the living area and getting comfy on the sofa. It took everything in him to not turn to watch Owen do whatever he was doing, focusing all his attention on flipping through to find the perfect thing to watch. Finally settling on a classic–Charlie Brown–he turned just in time to see Owen coming over with two plates in hand.

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