.20 seconds.

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It all started in the evening, you had borrowed one of saitamas mangas to keep you occupied while you visited your brother.
The manga has just started getting good, the love interest, toro, was getting closer with his childhood love after being separated by a evacuation warning, you never even knew your big bro liked romance mangas..

You glanced up from your book, rubbing your eyes and looking up to the pasty white ceiling.

Maybe his emotions aren't dulling after all, good for him. You heard a grunt, and looked to where the noise came from. Saitama was struggling to open a pack of crisps with genos behind him, asking if he needed help. They read pro hero chips..
"I'm fine genos!" Saitama continued to struggle, sounding annoyed as genos watched him from behind.

"Cmon I can't get this open.." Saitama looked up to genos.
"Pro hero chips? Could you be checked to see if they made a trading card of you?" Genos questioned, looking at the back and scanning it intently.
The crisp opened with a bang, and they flew everywhere in the air.
"Oops." Your brother said in monotone voice, inhumanly grabbing all the crisps midair and stuffing them back in. Your brother had a proud, almost smug look on his face.. but..

You saw genos collapse behind him with a loud bang. "Genos!?" You threw your manga onto the couch, rushing to genos to see if he was okay. What the hell?
"Oh, what happened with him?" Saitama turned around, looking slightly concerned.
"You hit him while you were collecting the crisps! You gotta be more careful!" You grit your teeth at your brother, he could be a pain sometimes. You shook genos.

"I did feel my hand bump something.." he stared into space, clearly in thought. He was your brother.. and you did love him but.. how oblivious can he be?!
"I'm sure he'll wake up." Your brother stared at him for a moment, before eating the crisps again. You made a dumbfounded

Genos suddenly sat up. "Who're you, who am I?" I gasped, setting saitamas manga down. Did genos just loose his memory? You were furious at saitama now.
"Wait, you really don't recognise me, or even know who you are?" A sweat rolled down saitamas face, sitting across from genos now as he kneeled down at the other side of the short table, you eased off of the couch and shuffled beside genos.
"Yup.." Genos said, in his usual emotionless voice. I mean, beside loosing his memory and all, he really didn't seem that much different.

"Woah woah." Genos moved closer to you. Smirking. what the hell.. what was he trying to do? You moved closer away from him, feeling saitamas glare on you both.

"Who's this pretty lady?" Genos glanced to saitama. Then looked back at me, moving..even closer. No, this was definitely not him. You desperately wanted to burst out into laughter, seeing how strange he was behaving. "I uh, I'm [Name], are you trying to flirt with me genos?.." Saitama could see my discomfort.
"Of course, do you have a boyfriend [Name]?" He took my hand.. oh shit. He kissed it, I was flattered but..
"That's enough genos." Saitama gritted his teeth, I sighed as genos pulled away from me in relief. looking disappointed.

"So, why am I here?" Genos quickly moved on, staring back to saitama.
"Oh!" Genos looked like he found interest in something, my eyes followed his hands. He held up a magazine. "Hey, is it okay if I read this?" He was acting like a child now, actually pretty adorable. You atleast preferred that than him flirting. He had a grin on his face. "Y-yeah sure." Your big brother was even puzzled at his behaviour. You and saitama exchanged glances, you snickered, looking away from the two men.


It was awkwardly silent for a minute or two, the only sound in the room was genos flipping through the magazine pages.
You looked at what he was reading about in the magazine. Monster attacks, and updates about the hero association. Hmm.
"So, genos. About why your here, you kind of begged to be my deciple." Saitama rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"You shitting me!?" Genos instantly stood up, which shocked you. He seemed absolutely furious. Almost scary, you moved away from him. why do I have to deal with this crap?

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