Yandere Uzi x Aubrey 'This.ass.is.mine'

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This will be my friends oc and there will be a few of these

Promering episode


Aubrey pov-

Me, Doll and lizzy and Uzi were at Lizzy's house getting ready for prom as Uzi was in the bathroom i was in the guest bedroom and lizzy and doll were waiting outside as i wore a Puff Sleeve Tulle Mini dress as the color was white and i had these 'Heels' that had ribbons that would wrap around your legs and had little flowers on them as my hair had my bangs out and side bits as my short red hair was in a spikey mini bun.

I walked out of the room as Doll had walked out of the bathroom where Uzi was and her visor eyes widened and had little blush as lizzy squealed "OMG Aubrey! you look so good!" Lizzy yelled hugging me "Верно, ты выглядишь потрясающе, Обри..." (That's right you do look amazing Aubrey...) Doll said as my system translated for me "Thanks Lizzy and you too doll where's Uzi?" I ask "Oh she left earlier" Lizzy said as my face purple visor eyes fell a little.

((Uzi Got N but 'didn't go with him'))

I was hanging out with Doll As lizzy was on stage and so was My friend Addison as her idiot of a dad was at the back watching her every move "Итак, как тебе это пока нравится, Обри?" (So how are you liking this so far Aubrey) Doll said tapping my shoulder a little "Its good im just wondering where Uzi is?" I said to doll

10 minutes have passed but no sign of Uzi yet as me and Doll were talking as she had became overwhelmed and started holding my hand "OI Hands off her!" I heard someone yell behind me and Doll as i turned around to see Uzi as i let go of dolls hand to look behind Uzi to see a lovestruck N staring up on the stage as thats where Addison was singing her album as i smiled slightly at N as i turned my attention back to Uzi to see her slightly blushing at my outfit "Nice fit goth girl" i say as i look at her dress she was wearing "Nice white dress scene kid.." Uzi said mumbiling (I'm getting lazy with russian) "We should somewhere else Aubrey?" I heard doll say as she took my hand "Oi. hands.off" I heard Uzi say as N was no longer with us "Why should I?" Doll says back "Cause" Uzi says picking me up and over her shoulder "This.is.my.ass" Uzi says then slapping my ass walking away as im blushing "Uzi!? what the hell?" I say as i hoisted myself up and off her shoulder as i stood in front of her "Sorry Aubrey there something i was meant to teel you  tod-" Uzi was cut of my people screaming as we looked up to the stage to see a female murder drone next to a brunette and blonde haired worker drone..Addison? as V looked confused and addison was trying not to laugh "Prom queen?" V says as N comes back to us as Addison bursts out laughing as i snicker a tad.

.....(Damn skip fighting down in the doll's house when they found their folks)

I was standing next to V as N and uzi were on the other side of the table as Addison was somewhere 

"Just in time for dinner~" we heard a voice as we turn and see doll with a weird symbol and a bullet 



There was Uzi with the same symbol on her visor and on the bullet that she caught as we look back at Doll to see a murder drone tail and a weird biting claw thing right at her face and the same symbol around Doll "You guys two?...once i find what i need ill help you two.." 
I thought as Doll dissapered as i saw...Addison as i heard N gasp as On Addison visor she had the same symbol and a X and Oil spilling out of her mouth as she had a frown on her face 
"Fucking bitch of a dad..."
Addison whispered...

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