The Book

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The book was sent to a local library in Missouri. Later a boy named Jeb went to the library looking for a book about how to make a vide game but instead of that he found a book called MineCraftia. He read the back and this boy was his age (about 15). It said he too wanted to make a video game but he couldn't because of some reason. He also asked if someone would make a game of it so he took that book home and just looked up a video on YouTube. He decided to call it MineCraftia. He opened the book and after reading the prologue he passed out!!!!!!!! He woke up not feeling to great and he was on a 2x2 block. He saw other blocks just like his and it was like a game he played called Cave Games. Then he saw he had his phone. He texted a pic to his friends and they read the prologue then they too passed out and woke up there. Then they decided not to tell their parents and siblings. About two hours later a inventory bar showed up along with a hunger bar and health bar. "Whoa!!!!" Jeb exclaimed. Then he fell. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jeb yelled. When he hit the ground he had half a heart. "I'm okay. "He said. "Hey I think this is parcore." Stampy said.

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