Special Concert: Minsung

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(They're so adorable!😭)

Han's Pov

Lee Know, and I have been thinking about how we should come out to our fans, and there's a concert tonight, so we think we should do it there but I'm really nervous what if Stays hate us after we come out?

I didn't have much time to think about it as Lee Know came over to me and gave me a hug. I was surprised at first. Even though we're dating, he still doesn't just randomly give hugs often.

" Stop over thinking it, love they won't hate us. I promise, and even if they do, then they aren't real stays." He said with a comforting smile, which helped me relax.

I don't know how he always knows what I'm thinking, but I'm glad he does it helps a lot

"Ok, I'll try," I say as I tuck my head into the side of his neck and hug him back, and he puts one of his hands on the back of my head as he plays with my hair and the other one around my waist

The rest of the members come in and smile at us.

" So you're coming out tonight?" Chan asks as they all sit down

"Yeah, didn't we tell you guys?" I ask, confused

"Yeah, you did he probably forgot he is half 52" Seungmin says with a smirk, and everyone laughs, and Chan turns and glares at him.

" Anyway, you did tell us I was just making sure you still were," He says, and we nod

" And Changbin, please attack your boyfriend," He says, and Changbin starts to tickle Seungmin, and everyone laughs at them

(At the concert)

"Hello Stays!!" Chan yelled in his mic, causing the whole crowd of stays to yell, and we laughed at them smiling

" So we're going to start this off with a song. What song are we doing, guys?" Chan asks, and Lee Know answered

" Aren't you supposed to know that?"
Lee Know says that with a lot of sass, this is one of the many reasons I love him

All of the stays and the members laugh at him, and Chan sighs

" Do you see what I have to deal with every day?" He asks, and everyone laughs

" The first song we're going to sing is Case 143!" Hyunjin says, and everyone cheers

(After the performance)

" Ok, now it's time to talk to Stays!" Felix and I.N say excitedly

As we walked to the end of the stage, I slipped, and before I could fall, Lee Know caught me

" Are you ok?" He asks me

" Yeah, I'm ok. Thank you for catching me." I say

He just smiles at me and then kisses my forehead, which makes stays scream. we smile at each other and then walk to the rest of the members

" Should we tell them, or should we just kiss on the big screen?" Lee Know asks, which I think is a better idea

" We should kiss on the big screen it's easier to do," I say

" Ok, do you want to do it now?" He asks

" Yeah, let's do it," I answered with a smile

He gets the guys attention and tells him to put us on the big screen. The guy smiles and agrees.

Once it's on us, we smile at each other, Lee Know then kissed me, and all of the Stays scream really loud once we pull apart, we smile, and Lee Know pulls me in for a hug.

" We did it." He says with a big smile

" We did, didn't we," I say with a matching smile, then all of the members cheer along with Stays

" As you guys can tell me and Lee Know are together, we hope you guys will still support us?" I say, but the end is a question

" We love and support you guys!!" A stay yelled which all of the other Stays agree with, and I jump in to Lee Knows arms with my legs around his waist and hug him he catches me and smiles.

" See, I told you they would support us," He says with a smile. I smile back at him.

" I love you!" I say

" I love you too, darling," He says, and after that, we had fun being ourselves on stage without having to worry about what we say or do

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