Usual Routine (rewrite)

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The day would go on as usual after the situation with Zoe, but he still remembers clearly of what happened with the argument between him and Drew. Nowadays he would just go to the rooftop, he had always found comfort in the rooftop where not many people could see him. While the situation with the club somehow had gotten way worse than before, sure Jake had stood up for Hailey and even after that cringe speech he announced that doesn't necessarily mean the club would forgive Jake, Daisy was the only one who stuck by his side even after failing to convince the club to forgive him. He was more than grateful to her.

He's falling from a tower and yet, that tower is falling along side with him, no matter how much he tried to escape from those lies they always had a way to Come into his life, is it really so bad for him to live a decent life? Lies had always been a part of Jake's life or perhaps lie was Jake himself, and now he's facing the concequences of 'that' lie.

After a while he finally decided to go to his locker. Jake sighs from exhaustion (but from what?), but of course luck is not on his side as usual when a familliar face shows up.

"Well isn't it Jake Sterling?" Great. This day just got even better.

"What do you want Zoey?" Just by saying her name makes my stomach churn, she already made my life miserable, what more does she want?

"Are you enjoying my little gift for you? I even see Drew and the others ignoring you, not only that but the club still seems to ignore you after that cringe speech" Zoe mocked then was followed by a giggle

"Won't you just leave me alone Zoey? You've already done enough, what more could you possibly want?"

"Oh? Now you're blaming me for the cause? All of this is your fault for interfering after all."

"But that's enough chitchat, I don't want to be seen with a freak" Jake flinched while Zoey walked away with a grin on her face.

'freak... — I shouldn't let her words get to me.'

'I better head to class before I'm late'

There's no need to fret about everything. The competition was done, there's no need to worry about the club anymore but Jake still wishes to at least make up to them. Why can't the others just get along? For now, he should worry about class.

School ended faster than he anticipated but he preferred it that way. Usually he would like the attention he was getting but this past weeks had been overwhelming him.

Daisy wouldn't be joining Jake today, she had an important family business to attend to so I have to walk home by myself, just how it was been back in middle school, soon enough I was in front of my house, not even realizing how much time had gone by after a long walk.

"Ah, Jake. you're here, me and Milo just started preparing Dinner. Come sit"
Mom was always there to look out for me, heck she would even pick me up from school if she wasn't so busy with her work

"You're quite early today mom, did something happened?"

"Not at all, Everything's fine. My boss just let me off the hook today, I've already done most of my paperwork in my office that's why I came home early"

"Alright, well what's for dinner?"

"Roasted Chicken, with mashed potatoes and Garlic!"
Milo interrupted, Milo would always beg Mom to have Roasted Chicken for dinner.

"I'm guessing you begged Mom to have roasted Chicken?" Jake Teased

"For your information, Mom also wanted Roasted Chicken for dinner"
"Yeah sure" He said Sarcastically, Jake was actually taken back by surprise this time but smiled fondly to his family. He didn't miss the look on his brother's eye widening and how it lit up

"Jake, I've forgot to mention, I already told the principle that you'll be having attending the Doctor's Appointment.

Ah, right. He was quite neutral about it when Jake's mom mentioned it to him, he had fallen ill because he hasn't been taking care of himself.
Not to mention his Mental Health has been going downhill, Fortunately though, His Appetite was still there, despite eating so little food. It was still good that's he's eating, right?

"What time do I go?" Jake says while chewing on his food

"Based on the letter he gave us the last appointment, it says that you should be there at 9:00AM and It should be done by 10:30 AM"

Surprisingly he had already finished his food. faster than usual, usually Milo would be the one Finishing all the food (Milo can't bear to witness the food go to waste even if he didn't like the Food).

"Wow, Grumpy-Head actually finished his food? I'm in awe" Milo Teased

"Quit with the teasing Dumbo"
Although he won't admit it, Milo was proud of his big brother. He was glad that He finished his food, even if it's just today. Though of course He would still rather that Jake finishes his food everyday maybe He doesn't have to go to a Doctor once a week.

"I think I'm going to go rest in my room now, I'm pretty tired after a long day."

"You think? Make sure to get enough sleep, bro"

Jake smiled fondly at Milo then turned to his mom, his gaze soften seeing them happy. Finally, he went upstairs but of course not without a goodnight

"Alright bud, goodnight Milo, and Goodnight Mom"

"Goodnight Jake!" Both voice echoed trough the whole Kitchen

Jake got to his room and He had to admit the place was a mess, he's planning on cleaning it up tomorrow but right now all he wanna do is sleep, was he exhausted from school or everything? Jake shook his head

'None of this things matter anymore that I'm home.'

Jake fell on his back from the bed, he didn't even bother taking off his jacket.

'Maybe just maybe.. Things could get better for me'

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