Misfortune and Fortune ( rewrite)

386 15 17

Morning came fast , He'd been getting enough sleep lately , and lately he's also been having a good appetite .

Was it Friday today ? He never bothers checking his Calendar , but so far this past days were pretty good . But even so— time was meaningless to him if everything would just stay the same .

It was time for him to go to school , as usual he ate his breakfast first while his mother began to get ready for her work and Milo was already dressed up and is currently playing in his iPad . Jake decided he wanted to walk today to at least get some exercise .
His mom worried that he'll be late for school if he didn't take a ride, and potentially get harmed but Jake persisted and his mother allowed him to— Finally he said his farewells to his family .


After a few minutes of walking he finally arrived to his school , he was late for at least 10 minutes but he paid no mind to , despite that being the least of his worries he still needed to go to his Class as soon as possible . From what he knows , he has the same class as Hailey and Lia , History .
Eventually he reached his first period , his history teacher could only frown at him .

"Jake Sterling , this is probably the 3rd time you've been late to my class"
Her voice was stoic and stern but despite that she had a concern hinted in her voice . Most of the teachers had been informed about his health ,  which he personally hated ,  he felt like his privacy is being invaded everytime . Nevertheless he knew it was for the better for him .

"My sincerest apology miss." Jake bowed , Jake couldn't help but feel uneasy at so many students staring at him . He felt overwhelmed by the sudden attention . And he didn't know why , He had always loved attention but everything made him overwhelmed or uneasy .

The students were whispering while Jake just went to his usual sit , the teacher looked at him with worry , the students looked at him as if he had done something wrong , Hailey wasn't paying much attention but that's just what Jake thinks , he was never an observant person in the first place .

"Please focus your eyes on the board , don't bother looking at your fellow classmate ."
The Teacher seemed to notice he's uncomfortableness by the attention . Jake sigh a relief while the rest of his classmates proceeds to focus their attention on the teacher as always , the lessons went on for a while until in the middle of the session Jake was suddenly called to answer a question , the teacher had good intention of course , Jake almost groan in annoyance almost .

She had already noticed his reaction to a lot of attention earlier , but she still proceeds to call him out . The students are staring again
Panic sprang over him , He knew the answer , of course— but couldn't even get a sing word out of his mouth with so much people watching him . 

"Jake Sterling . Do you know what's the answer ?"
He didn't know if he should cursed at himself or the teacher but he was silently frustrated at his teacher looking clueless at how overwhelmed he is , 2 minutes had already gone by, there was nothing but silence , awkward silence .

Until a student broke the silence

"God, why do you have to be so sensitive? Is it really that hard to speak? Just say if you don't know the answer" some students snickered at him while some students felt bad for him .

But they were right , He should speak , he should be able to talk . He should be able to answer . But with so much people looking at him he can't seem too . The teacher shushed the students .

"Jake , Honey . Do you not know the answer ?  Just nod your head if you don't know"
The Teacher said with a gentle voice . Jake opened his mouth to speak finally being able to talk—

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