Headcanon 5: Nezuko sleeps a lot, Muichiro doesn't sleep much

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Nezuko loved napping, and she often dozed off whenever they had downtime. Muichiro, on the other hand, struggled with insomnia, finding it hard to get a good night's sleep.

One night, when Nezuko noticed bags under Muichiro's eyes, she grew concerned. "Muichiro, are you getting enough rest?"

He sighed, looking tired. "I have trouble sleeping sometimes. My mind won't stop racing."

Nezuko gently took his hand. "Let's try something together. I'll cuddle with you until you fall asleep. Maybe my warmth will help."

They snuggled close that night, and to their surprise, Muichiro drifted into peaceful slumber, comforted by Nezuko's presence. From that night on, they found solace in each other's arms, finding a balance between Nezuko's love for sleep and Muichiro's difficulty in finding it.

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