[ Prologue ]

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( Image used above not mine, credits to the owner: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/GgKaW )

( Video not mine, credits to the owner, Ale Xey: https://youtu.be/DEFPaWIYW2c?si=NOMDyvICloJuk3YS )

Year 2150, humans have evolved their technology to the point where they have become explorers of the cosmos. Their insatiable curiosity and desire for expansion, and resources led them to venture into the far reaches of the galaxy, discovering new planets and star systems along the way. However, their quest for knowledge and resources took an unexpected turn when they encountered two dangerous alien species: the Yautja, a highly advanced and skilled warrior race, and the Xenomorphs, a nightmarish species known for their parasitic reproduction and deadly behaviour towards anything that wasn't themselves.

The initial encounters with both the Yautja and Xenomorphs were highly disastrous for all of humanity. Unprepared to face the Yautjas and outmatched by the Xenomorphs, human colonies that were built were decimated in the blink of an eye, and their attempts at diplomacy failed as both alien races seemed intent on eliminating them. Faced with the overwhelming threat, humans were forced to abandon some of their colonies and flee from the relentless pursuit of the Yautja back to Earth.

Tragically, the Xenomorphs managed to infiltrate the fleeing human ships, leading to the birth of new Xenomorphs on board. This nightmare scenario unfolded as the infected humans unknowingly played host to the Xenomorph embryos, resulting in the birth of these horrific creatures on Earth itself. The situation escalated as these new Xenomorphs began to spread, slowly wreaking havoc on Earth's ecosystem.

Meanwhile, the Yautja, the skilled hunters, tracked the human refugees back to Earth, most of them drawn by their desire for vengeance and honor due to humanity daring to set a foot on their sacred lands. The stage was set for a brutal and unrelenting war between the Yautja, humans, and the Xenomorphs. Years of death and destruction followed as each side sought to eradicate the other, with Earth becoming a battleground where survival was a daily struggle. More than a million humans were confirmed killed during the war, men, women and children.

Amid the chaos and devastation, a surprising realization began to emerge. The humans and Yautja, while initially bitter enemies, came to a slight understand that they shared a common enemy in the form of the Xenomorphs. Both species had suffered at the hands of these relentless creatures and from each other, and it became clear that if they were to have any chance of survival, they needed to set aside their differences and unite against the Xenomorph threat, at least for now. The humans, making sure they wouldn't be a threat to the Yautja, they could finally focus on protecting the innocent and rebuilding while the Yautja would keep the xenomorphs occupied with human volunteers. While many Yautja remained distrustful of the humans, their shared enemy forced them to reevaluate their current positions.

It was during this time that the humans discovered a vulnerability among the Yautja. Yautja Prime, the homeworld of the Yautja, had been left defenseless as Xenomorph activity began to surge. At this, the Yautja on Earth didn't hesitated and left the planet to go back to their own. And the humans, despite lingering distrust, saw an opportunity to extend an olive branch. Using their now advanced technology and space-faring capabilities, they embarked on a mission to aid the Yautja in their time of need.

"Interspecies Devotion." [ Male Human x Female Yautja ]Where stories live. Discover now